Sligo Weekender




1. Johannes Gutenburg changed the potential for book production in 1440 with which invention?

2. Yuri Gagarin became the first person to travel where in 1961?

3. Who was the first person to win two Nobel prizes, picking up their awards in 1903 and 1911?

4. In 1946, Trygvie Lie became the first secretary-general of which organisati­on?

5. Who became the first woman to complete a non-stop transatlan­tic flight alone in 1932?

6. In 1971, Ray Tomlinson was the first person to communicat­e with someone by which means?

7. At the 1976 Olympic Games, Nadia

Comaneci, pictured below left, became the first gymnast to receive a perfect 10.0 score. How old was she when she achieved this feat?

8. In 1911, Roald Amundsen was the first person to reach which remote location?

9. In 1872, Wanderers became the first winners of which sporting competitio­n?

10. In 2005, ‘Me at the zoo’ by Jawed Karim was the very first video uploaded where?

11. Friedrich Miescher, a Swiss physician, discovered with molecule in 1861 which contains all necessary informatio­n for the building and maintainin­g of an organism?

12. Here in My Heart by Al Martino, released in 1952, was historical­ly significan­t for what reason?

13. In 1960, Sirimavo Bandaranai­ke of Ceylon became to first woman to be democratic­ally elected as prime minister of a country. By what name is Ceylon now known?

14. In 2004, which country became the first to ban smoking in the work place?

15. In 1992 Neil Papworth said

‘Merry Christmas’ to someone using what revolution­ary form of communicat­ion?

16. Fallon Sherrock made history in 2019 when she became the first woman to knock a man out of the world championsh­ips of which sport?

17. Which country became the first to gain its independen­ce from the United Kingdom in 1776?

18. 1973 sci-fi Westworld was the first feature film to utisilise what kind of technology which is still frequently used today?

19. Which county won the very first All-Ireland Senior Football Championsh­ip final, held in 1887?

20. In 1843, Martin Madden became the first person to represent Sligo in which newly establishe­d role to replace the position of provost?

21. In 2020, Margaret Keenan became the first person to be administer­ed with which kind of product?

22. In a term coined to describe his immense wealth, the 17th and 18th century economist John Law became the first person to be recognised as what?

23. Which hit single by Queen is widely considered to be the first song to also have a music video?

24. In 1877, Spencer Gore became the first ever winner of which iconic British sporting tournament?

25. Who was the first and to date only person to be elected as US president on two nonconsecu­tive occasions?

26. In 2010, Kathryn Bigelow, pictured above right, became the first woman to win which major award at the Oscars?

27. In 1927, Which famous name in the world of aviation became the very first person to be selected as Time magazine’s person of the year?

28. Why was the transfer of Trevor Francis from

Birmingham to Nottingham

Forest in 1979 significan­t?

29. In 2006, Jack Dorsey, pictured above left, sent the very first message on which social media platform, which he also founded?

30. In 1956, which country hosted the first ever

Eurovision Song Contest?

31. Pat O’Callaghan became

Ireland’s first Olympic gold medalist in 1928. In which event did he earn his medal?

32. In 1841 who was the first US president to die in office, just 32 days into his tenure?

33. In 1965, which popular

Christmas song became the first be broadcast in outer space?

34. Which Irish playwright is the first and only person to date to have won both an Oscar and a Nobel Prize?

In 1605, Johann Carolus printed the very first edition of which kind of publicatio­n?

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