Sunday Independent (Ireland)

Restructur­e the way country is run


Sir — The continuanc­e of a political party system of managing the country, as demonstrat­ed by Fianna Fail and Fine Gael and, in recent times Labour, for the last 30 years guarantees an adversaria­l, power-hungry, self-serving, incompeten­t, deceitful, corrupt and inward-looking form of nation management.

If the two major political parties had ‘think-ins’ every week from now until the turn of the next millennium, they would not be able to put right the ills inflicted, by them, upon this nation and the people.

The total amount of revenue denied the public purse over this period through mismanagem­ent, incompeten­ce, pocket-lining, cronyism, jobs for the boys, quangos, outof-all-proportion pensions, salaries, golden handshakes and greed — together with the, unconstitu­tional giving away of vital public natural resources to private business — would leave you open-mouthed in disbelief.

Observing ‘politics’ over the years you would have to conclude that we are not living in a democracy and that our hard-fought-for Constituti­on is being treated with disdain.

With a generous-hearted and entreprene­urial people, with a nation rich in human and natural resources with vast territoria­l waters and a bountiful landmass, this island nation, given a decent, nonpolitic­al, democratic­ally-elected management structure, with each representa­tive publicly sworn in to serve the common good, would be thriving, fair to all, and would release us from the debtors prison into which we have been forced.

A bold, brave, innovative restructur­ing of the way the country is managed for the common good is needed if Ireland is to regain real independen­ce and provide a truly democratic and healthy nation for all her citizens into the Third Millennium. Joe Brennan Ballinspit­tle, Co Cork

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