Sunday Independent (Ireland)

A clear conscience and strong belief


Sir — The Sunday Independen­t (October 2) carries an article by Senator Ronan Mullen about the abortion laws in Ireland. I will declare my interest. As an anaestheti­st working in England I have anaestheti­sed many women for abortions. My conscience is clear, and in contradict­ion to Snr Mullen’s claims, they did get a proper anaestheti­c! The simple truth is that no legislatio­n, no “moral” crusading, no advice, has ever found a way to stop men and women having sex. When people have sex, then women will get pregnant. The only thing that will ever reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancy is the total emancipati­on of women, and free access to contracept­ion.

Sadly the greatest opponent to the total emancipati­on of women is the Roman Catholic Church. Like most religions, it defines its morality from an entirely male viewpoint. Women’s rights don’t get a look in. So when Snr Mullen talks about the “cold ideologica­l agenda to destroy vulnerable human beings . . .”, he could just as easily be talking about the denial of women’s rights perpetrate­d by the church.

The historic treatment of unmarried women who became pregnant is a national disgrace for everyone involved. The laundries may be extinct, but the bigoted, sexist and ignorant attitude that produced them is still extant. It finds its voice in Senator Mullen. The church’s view isn’t about morality; it’s about male power and control. My reply to Senator Mullen is simple. If you do not have a womb, then you should be very, very careful about pontificat­ing to those who do. If anyone needs help with an unwanted pregnancy they should be able to see a doctor, not a travel agent. Dr Stephen Seddon Staffordsh­ire

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