Sunday Independent (Ireland)

This Alfie knows what it’s all about...

- Denise Warren Dublin

HI, it’s Alfie.

The mug shot says it all “Guilty As Charged m’Lud — capturing the hearts of all who meet me”.

Maybe it’s the missing leg, the obsession with being friends with everyone I meet, or maybe it’s the cute perky face, or the speed at which I can run — despite my disability — I dunno, but (trying to be humble here) everyone seems to ADORE me!

Mum got me from Tina at Pet Helpers in Wexford in 2013 when I was 10 weeks old. Born without the leg I believe. Her dog had just passed away, aged 17 years, and she says she can’t believe how I turned things around for her. (Lesson here — you CAN find love again).

I am super-intelligen­t, have a memory like an elephant despite being the size of a small cat, am stubborn as a mule, eat like a horse, although have to watch my weight (the leg you see), am very obliging when it comes to cuddles, give me a lap to sit on and a piece of chicken and a nicer dog you wouldn’t meet! I’m the life and soul of the family. I’ve heard them say I’m an inspiratio­n to everyone — my motto is “whatever the disability/ worry/grief/fear — be grateful for what you DO have and time will change anything”.

When I hear an incoming text bleeping at around 9am I go crazy, grabbing my lead, etc. because I know that means a meet-up in the park with my best friend Ted. He’s getting on now, 15 years, and his owner and my owner have been friends a long time, we all regularly meet and have a lovely walk in the park. Ted is so protective of me, checks out any dog who comes near, he’s adorable.

We take him when his owner is away, and recently I am ashamed to say he peed in the kitchen. I was so embarrasse­d I tucked my head inside my blanket and wouldn’t come out. Everyone thought this was hilarious, but COME ON! who pees in the kitchen?!

There are five cats living next door, and I live in hope of catching one some day, I guard my garden like a lion, but they’re smart, I’ll give them that! Had my teeth cleaned recently by our great vet in the Bull Wall Veterinary Clinic, Denis, and although he’s so kind, I thought I’d have a piece of his finger anyway. My owner’s son went away yesterday, and to be honest I thought he was going to squash me, he cuddled me so hard — he’s 27! — I think that shows how much I am loved, but like I said, I really do try to be humble

Anyhow, time for my nap now, so s’long for now, and keep the faith!

If you would like your pet featured in this column please send a story of 440 words and a photograph to snews@independen­ clearly labelled MY PET

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