Sunday Independent (Ireland)

Dear God,


NOW that I’m in my sunset years of life I am glad to have this opportunit­y to convey my sincere gratitude for all the blessings you afforded me during what could be considered a trying and hazardous life.

Having been born in the early 1940s on a small farm, I, in my formative years together with my school friends, experience­d dire circumstan­ces of deprivatio­n in practicall­y all aspects of everyday life.

However, I was fortunate to have a teacher who always ensured that everything possible was done to instil in us the importance of being honest, hard-working and above all to be respectful to our fellow human beings — all of which benefited me through life. Having no opportunit­y, post-NS to avail of secondary education, I did through long endeavour and prayer, obtain second and third-level education through night school, etc, and consequent­ly avail of a reasonable position in life.

I was fortunate also to have met an angel who for almost 50 years has been my dear wife, and we have been blessed with a brilliant family who have achieved wonderful academic success and positions in life. I also attribute this to your guidance and blessing.

So now in my 70s and after a fulfilling life I remain convinced of your existence and how it was so important for me to keep in constant touch with you always. Thanks Joe Irish Address with Editor

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