Sunday Independent (Ireland)



Mr Walsh is below the standard of what I’d expect of a Fine Gael officer. There are lots of trolls and nasty people on Twitter but I expect Fine Gael officers to set a higher standard. Taoiseach Leo Varadkar calling on senior Fine Gael member Barry Walsh to resign from the executive council of the party over his alleged abusive and offensive online behaviour.

Quite frankly, they made a bags of it. Let us call a spade a spade. Fianna Fail senator Terry Leyden speaking in the Seanad on Ireland’s failure to secure the 2023 Rugby World Cup.

We cannot take any chances when it comes to alcohol when it comes to driving, we have to send out an absolutely clear message that there are no exceptions. If you are going to drive then you must not drink, it is as simple as that and if you make exceptions we’ll open the floodgates for people to think it’s OK to have one or two drinks and driving the next morning. This is about saving lives. Transport Minister Shane Ross speaking on the Road Traffic Amendment Bill which proposes that anyone caught driving with between 50 and 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood would be banned.

I am not on Tinder. I am not that desperate. I have nothing against Tinder except all the men look incredibly ugly. TV’s Anne Robinson on the dating app.

We wish to make it abundantly clear that this is not a military takeover. We are only targeting criminals around Mugabe who are committing crimes that are causing social and economic suffering in the country in order to bring them to justice. An army spokesman in Zimbabwe after a night of unrest in the country.

Cooking has become very poncey, very chefy — if I get one more plate put in front of me with six dots of sauce on it, I will go mad. Cookery expert Delia Smith.

We pulled out of Europe and became an isolated, small, insular, old, ageing economy. We became an old people’s home that couldn’t pay for itself. That I see as a very real prospect and it chills me to the bone. Tory MP George Freeman envisages a post-Brexit Britain.

Social media is just not me. I’ve never really liked it — that whole thing of ‘look at me!’ For me, the more privacy, the better — not telling people where I am and what I’m doing. Model Kate Moss.

In Iceland, especially in my teenage years, we didn’t date. You just went out and you got plastered and you woke up the next morning with someone and... And you married them! I definitely don’t date, like go to a restaurant all dressed up. Icelandic singer Bjork.

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