Sunday Independent (Ireland)

Dear Mom and Dad,


IN our house growing up, we had the tradition of a real Christmas tree for the festive season. I loved the smell of fresh pine and how the lights seemed to shine brighter on a live tree than they did on the big ones in the shops.

Mom, I remember vividly the year you brought home the artificial Christmas tree. “It will be great,” you said, “no more sweeping up shredded pine needles or hovering”.

In my mind it was awful as it did me out of my day in town with you, Dad. Ever since I was a little girl it was our job to bring home the tree for Christmas. I would analysis and mull over it for ages (much to your amusement, Dad). Was it too big, too small, too narrow, had it enough branches and, most of all, would there be enough room under it for all the presents Santa would bring?

However, there was no day in town with you that year Dad. I was so sad even the toys Santa brought did not cheer me up.

Now, Mom and Dad, do you remember the following year when the artificial tree was taken down from the attic broken in three different places? You were very cross, Mom, and asked the four of us in turn who did it. I think deep down you and Dad knew it was me, but my constant denial caused you both to doubt a little.

I remember you and I went to town that Saturday, Dad, and brought home the most beautiful real Christmas tree. It stood tall and proud in our small sitting room. The lights shone brightly giving the illusion of stars in the night sky. The logs crackled on the open fire and the smell of fresh pine gave a warm glow of Christmas. I am much older now with a family of my own and a real Christmas tree decorated each year in our home. It will always be a very treasured part of Christmas for me.

So Mom and Dad, please accept my belated long overdue apology for the demolition of that Christmas tree all those years ago.

You see I loved my day in town with Dad and was not going to give it up easily. I hope now you understand why that tree had to go. Happy Christmas, Mom and Dad Love Cait Name and address with Editor

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