Sunday Independent (Ireland)

My dear Fairy Godmother,


THIS time of year is difficult without you around. You spent every Christmas with us for 18 wonderful years of my life. On Christmas morning, I always woke up first and managed to sneak into your bed where we would lie in peace for a few moments, before the madness of opening presents began. Yes, there was always the temptation of sneaking into the living room and checking what was under the tree, but I never did. I always knew I had to go see you first.

Your presence was what filled Christmas with joy, whatever was going on, you were always in the middle of it. Organising trips to the Gaiety panto each year, journeys into town every December on the bus to pick out toys in Smiths... oh, the excitement of being six years old, handed €5 and let loose in a toy shop. As the years went by and we all got a little older, those trips turned into afternoon teas and lunches in the Shelbourne. Nothing was ever too much.

Then came last December, and what we thought was only a nasty cough that would quickly come and go, turned out to be something much worse. You may not have been taken too young (at the ripe old age of 88), but it was definitely all too soon.

I wish I had said thank you for everything you have taught, given and done for me, in person, one more time, when I had the chance.

All I can hope is that somebody else reads this letter and remembers to thank and appreciate their Fairy Godmother before it’s too late.

You left us 10 days before Christmas and time froze. The lights on the tree didn’t shine as bright and Christmas Day was simply empty without you there.

I know this season will never be as special as the ones you spent with us, but it will be one to celebrate and remember your life, and everything you did for us throughout it. You were labelled the Fairy Godmother because you not only granted every wish but you were always watching over everyone and I know you still are. Merry Christmas, Aunty Maureen, Love Emer. Emer Hennessy, Rathcoole, Co Dublin

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