Sunday Independent (Ireland)

I’m adding a splash of colour to my life


IGET notions. Urges to change things. Like the lay out of the house. And once the seeds are planted in my ever increasing­ly deranged brain I have to do it straight away.

The offspring are called in to rip things off walls and move heavy objects. I feign weakness and put on my helpless face. The vile and damaged laminate covers, that I inherited with the house, were ripped off the kitchen units and blue paint was purchased. And then I went out to a long and boozy lunch with friends and came back all energised and raring to go.

The only time I become energised now is after a few glasses of wine. I will have to keep topping up if I want to keep on top of things.

I’m not one for preparing. Just slap it on fast I say to myself. I omitted to cover the floor and more paint ended up on the floor than the units. I also omitted to cover the dog and half his head is now blue.

My son who adores the dog is not best pleased — but I actually think it suits him. Adds a splash of colour to his white and brown fur.

I’d bought cheap brushes — so many, many hairs are embedded in the finished product. The kids told me that Stevie Wonder would have made a better job of it.

The next night I decided (having been out again), to cover the leak marks on the kitchen ceiling and I started slapping on white paint — so now I have a complete mixture of paints on the ceiling and chunks of it embedded in my hair and face. And some lumps landed on the freshly painted blue.

I may have to give up the ol’ drink but then I wouldn’t get those bursts of energy and nothing at all would get done.

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