Sunday Independent (Ireland)

A healing touch


When we are born, touch is the first of the five senses to develop for humans. Babies need positive touch for connection and reassuranc­e. This does not change as we get older, yet a lot of us rarely experience touch, as we are so busy and disconnect­ed. A hug is one of the most powerful and healing ways of communicat­ing, especially when the words are simply not there. My son experience­d a lot of trauma last year when I collapsed and was rushed to hospital, and he has been experienci­ng anxiety around losing me. When I was in trauma therapy myself a few years ago, massage was recommende­d as part of my healing treatment. Recently, we went away to Lough Erne Resort in Enniskille­n, and I noticed they had an ‘Angel Bliss for Parent and Child’ treatment. I asked James if he’d like to try it, and he said he would. Massage for children improves one’s quality of sleep, soothes the nervous system and strengthen­s the immune system. It brought up a lot of emotions for James, which we talked through, and, that night, he slept like a baby. Recently, I meet another mum who had sadly just lost her husband, and her children were not sleeping or coping well. She decided to bring massage therapy into their lives, and it became a beautiful tool in their healing process. Remember that healing can happen in so many ways, and sometimes we need to try quite a few things before healing occurs.

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