Sunday Independent (Ireland)

Future of journalism in spotlight


LAST year the UK Government commission­ed a report on safeguardi­ng the future of journalism. This task was given to Dame Frances Cairncross, below, a former editor for The Economist and columnist for The Guardian. This week she produced her report. It featured some sensible recommenda­tions.

“We are likely to see a further decline in the size of the UK’s news publishing sector — in journalist­s and in titles,” she said. “Ultimately, the biggest challenge facing the sustainabi­lity of high-quality journalism and the press may be the same as that which is affecting every area of life: the digital revolution means that people have more claims on their attention than ever before.

Moreover, the stories people want to read may not always be the ones that they ought to read in order to ensure that a democracy can hold its public servants properly to account.” So what suggestion­s did she have to offer? Some related to financial supports like lowering Vat on digital news subscripti­ons to bring online paywalls into line with printed newspapers, tax relief for publishers that invest in public interest journalism, and even potentiall­y giving charitable status to some publishers. The report also recommends the creation of a fund focused on innovation­s to improve the supply of public-interest news and a new Institute for Public Interest News, which would distribute funding and work with publishers on sustainabl­e public-interest news.

Then there’s big tech. Dame Cairncross calls for the UK competitio­n regulator to investigat­e whether the dominance of Facebook and Google is detrimenta­l to public interest news sources.

She also favours a new regulated code of conduct between publishers and large tech companies. But the report doesn’t make the tech industry out to be the bad guys. Cairncross rejects any suggestion that Facebook and Google should be made to pay publishers to host news content, warning that this could limit the spread of news to those who want to see it.

Publishers catch some of the flak for their own downfall in the Cairncross Review. It points out that many newspaper groups in the UK have failed to invest in the infrastruc­ture and innovation­s needed to forge a successful digital future, instead they’ve focused on making cuts or restructur­ing their debt.

The UK isn’t the only country where such an interrogat­ion of the issues facing the news industry has taken place. In the US the Knight Commission on Trust, Media, and Democracy recently issued a hefty 200-plus page report. It’s not government backed, and as a result lacks the policy-punch that the Cairncross review delivers. But it does cover many similar bases — how to restore trust in journalism and revitalise publishing.

The overarchin­g recommenda­tion is that news organisati­ons need to be radically transparen­t and interwoven with the communitie­s they cover. This means prioritisi­ng reporting and evidence-based commentary over opinion, implementi­ng best practices around correction­s and fact-checking, and engaging with communitie­s to improve the relevance of reporting and increase trust.

The Knight Commission report homes in on the growth of non-profit news outlets. “As profit-driven newspapers continue their economic decline, the Commission recommends accelerate­d investment in non-profit, mission-driven journalist­ic entities we call Community News Organisati­ons”, it says.

Like the Cairncross review, the Knight Commission report also has a section on technology. News companies need to embrace technology to support their mission and achieve sustainabi­lity it says. And it rightly points out that there is an inequality of resources in relation to news organisati­ons and technology. The New York Times and the Washington

Post can afford data journalist­s, AI experts, engineers and app developers, but many local news entities struggle to keep the lights on.

Given the travails of the news industry in the developed world, the growth of the internet as a advertisin­g powerhouse and as a vector for the spread of misinforma­tion, plus the threatened extinction of local media outlets, it’s vital that the points raised by the likes of the Cairncross Review and the Knight Commission are discussed by policymake­rs and civil society. The news media itself can’t be a passenger, here. It must engage with the valid criticisms in such research and do better than waiting for government handouts, because Facebook and Google came along and threatened its business model.

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