Sunday Independent (Ireland)

Challengin­g paradigms


Doing nothing, taking time for yourself, or taking some time to meditate is not a waste of time. It’s the fuel that feeds your life, and gives you the emotional energy to not just survive, but thrive. You can go through life surviving, that’s easy enough. There’s not much effort needed, but you can fall prey to the victim trap, chaos, and the epidemic of busyness.

Most people caught up in the ‘busiest person of the year contest’ aren’t even doing what they love, or loving the life that they are in, while they are doing all the things that keep them so busy. So, stop and slow down, and ask yourself: where did I pick up the narrative that ‘busy is best’ and if I take time out, I’m lazy, worthless, less than? To change your story, you must first see the story you are living, and realise that maybe it was a made-up fairy tale to keep you small. In this fairy tale, you only deserve things when you have put blood, sweat and tears into them. You only deserve things that you’ve sacrificed a lot for. This is a myth, and one of the greatest myths of our time. It keeps people not feeling good enough, and it keeps you from stepping outside the box. The box that was built for you by your family, friends, school, co-workers, or anyone else that feels more comfortabl­e when their peers are in similar boxes and not showing their greatness.

You see, we all have greatness inside us. A big ball of energy waiting to expand and create the life of our dreams. When we play small, we trap this energy, and we never get to live the life we were meant to live. Instead, we play the game of fitting in, because this makes everyone else feel comfortabl­e. Well, newsflash: you are not here to make others feel comfortabl­e — you are here to live out your greatness. We do this by keeping our vibration high and living in accordance with our own heart. How do you know when you are living this way? Very simple, you feel a sense of ease and grace within. Life starts to flow, and you feel lifted and shifted, and inspired to be wholly you. When you do this, life becomes infinitely easier, and everything begins to make sense, as you not only manifest the life you desire, but also the one you deserve.

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