Sunday Independent (Ireland)



“This detailed and highly painful report is a moment for us as a society to recognise a profound failure of empathy, understand­ing and basic humanity over a very lengthy period.”

Taoiseach Micheál Martin apologises in the Dáil to the survivors of homes for unmarried mothers and their children.

“I was born in a jail and I spent six-and-a-half years in a jail. I got no love, no care, no education, no nothing. Then my mother spending five-and-a-half years walking up and down, making a fool out of her.”

A survivor of the Tuam mother and baby home.

“It’s incredibly disappoint­ing to see that despite the PR materials around this collaborat­ion and Simone Rocha herself referring to catering to ‘all sizes’, that instead the range will only include clothes up to a size 14. Plus-size women are constantly excluded from fashion.”

2FM DJ Louise McSharry criticises Simone Rocha’s new H&M collection which only goes to size 14.

“The toughest part is when the kids are tired and they want mummy to put them to bed and you can’t, or if they wake up in the middle of the night and want a cuddle. There were lots of tears because they didn’t understand why they can’t have this one reassuring cuddle from their mum.”

Senator Emer Currie of Fine Gael tells of the emotional upset of having tested positive for coronaviru­s and the agony of self-isolating with young children.

“Today, in a bipartisan way, this House demonstrat­ed that no one is above the law, not even the president of the United States, that Donald Trump is a clear and present danger to our country, and that once again we honoured our oath of office to protect and defend the Constituti­on of the United States, so help us God.”

Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the House of Representa­tives vote that made Donald Trump the first US president to be impeached twice.

“What is happening is that the government is tackling this issue, dealing with it as quickly as possible, and the key thing is we’ve got our fish back. They’re now British fish and they’re better and happier fish for it.”

MP Jacob Rees-Mogg, leader of the House of Commons.

“Seeing him in the neighbourh­ood is like seeing the Loch Ness monster... and I saw him driving his car.” Actor Rob Lowe tells James Corden how rare it is to see his Los Angeles neighbour Prince Harry.

“New York City doesn’t do business with insurrecti­onists.”

Bill de Blasio, mayor of New York City, says business contracts with Donald Trump will be terminated following the riot at the Capitol.

“The companies in question have been hauled over the coals and asked to explain how this has happened.”

Boris Johnson, the British prime minister, says suppliers have been asked to explain photos showing meagre free school meals food parcels.

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