The Argus

Tributes paid to former Cllr, Sean Bellew

- The late Sean Bellew.

A minutes silence was held in memory of the late Sean Bellew, a former member of Dundalk Town Council, when members met for their December meeting last week.

Chairman Mark Dearey suspended standing orders in order to pay tributes to the former councillor, who worked as a barrister.

Cllr. Conor Keelan recalled how he had sat beside the then Cllr. Bellew for five years during his time on the council.

He praised him as a ‘very astute and able councillor, and his legal mind was always very much in evidence.’

‘Outside of politics he was an avid supporter of Dundalk FC. He was a very bright individual, and he had a very strong interest in history. It is such a real loss, my thoughts are with his parents and family at this time.’

Cllr. Keelan’s sentiments were echoed by the entire chamber, as members spoke of the shock at his sudden death.

‘It is very hard to put into words what has happened,’ said Cllr. Marianne Butler.

She added she knew he had planned to make the trip with Dundalk FC to Israel, and was so much looking forward to it.

‘I think he will be there in spirit to cheer them on.’

Cllr. Maria Doyle added that the shock of his passing was compounded by the sudden death just a week earlier of Vanessa Ryan, daughter of the former County Councillor, Jim Ryan. She expressed her sympathy to both families on the very sudden, and sad deaths of two talented young people.

Cllr. Kevin Meenan spoke of the former Cllr. Bellew ‘as such a great orator.’ He joked ‘You needed to know your stuff if you were getting into a debate with Sean or you were in trouble.’

Cllr. Jennifer Green added ‘Sean was vice chair when I was chair, and he was such a great support. He was extremely witty. His death is a sad loss.’

Cllr. Emma Coffey remarked that although she did not know him within the chamber, she knew that in his legal dealings he was ‘absolutely methodical on his research.’ Cllr. Peter Savage added that although he hadn’t known Sean, he knew his passing was a tremendous loss to the entire Bellew family.

Cllr. Maeve Yore praised him as ‘a great man of integrity’ who would be sadly missed.

Director of Service, Frank Pentony, spoke of the ‘great shock and sadness’ felt among officials who had known the late Cllr. Bellew. ‘ He always struck me as a very passionate man, passionate about his work, and his love for Dundalk. He seemed to be a very wise head on young shoulders.’

Chairman, Cllr. Mary Dearey, said: ‘His loss is immeasurab­le. He has such intellect, such a great mind, and we heard how he used to consume three and four books every week.’

‘It falls on us to extend our very deepest sympathy to Sean’s family, and wide circle of friends.’

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