The Argus


But local authority says there will be NO write-offs for non-paying tenants


THERE will be no ‘write offs’ for council tenants who have rent arrears owed to the local authority, despite almost €4.2 million debts confirmed.

The figures emerged in Louth County Council’s monthly housing report, where rising arrears have been identified.

Dundalk Municipal Committee chairman Cllr Mark Dearey told The Argus: ‘ This is a very serious figure, but I welcome the fact that more than half are in repayment plans, so it doesn’t mean that the money is unrecovera­ble.’

‘ Tenants should be aware that the council cannot offer write offs. Asking them to do that is asking them to work outside of the law.’

A spokesman for Louth County Council confirmed that the local authority are working with tenants who are in debt to recover monies owed.

The spokesman said: ‘A considerab­le portion of this figure arises from debits applied after the previous and current rent assessment­s where income details were discovered to have changed or additional occupants were identified.

The Council are working with these tenants to agree payment plans.’

He added: ‘ There is no provision to write off such debts in these circumstan­ces, and tenants are obliged to notify the local authority when these details change.’

Cllr Dearey said the figure was an indication of ‘emergence from a deep recession.’

‘For anyone who has rents owed, the only to plough through this debt is to set up some repayment plan with the council.’

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