The Argus



A can of Red Bull was thrown around the inside of a car during a confrontat­ion between two women, the district court has heard.

Aisling Lee, (37), 13 St Anne’s Court, Anne Street, Dundalk, admitted a charge of assault arising from the incident at Park Street on July 4 2016.

Solicitor Frank McDonnell told Judge John Couglan there was a ‘context and background’ to the incident, to which Lee was offering the guilty plea. Gardai said they were dealing with an incident while the victim was sitting in a parked car which was facing Francis Street.

The woman said she noticed in the rear view mirror Lee approachin­g the car and a moment later, the defendant tried to grab the victim out of the car by pulling her hair. Lee threw a full can of Red Bull into the vehicle and the incident was captured on CCTV.

Mr McDonnell said his client, who has a previous conviction for a traffic offence, is a mum of four and the father of two of them is the new partner of the woman who was assaulted.

There had been difficulti­es with the access agreement and Lee ‘ was upset that the access was not taking place in the way she thought it would’, Mr McDonnell said and he added that his client knows she shouldn’t have done what she did.

The judge said he was prepared to give the defendant a chance and applied the Probation Act, dismissing the charge.

 ??  ?? Dundalk courthouse.
Dundalk courthouse.

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