The Argus

Support group for children and adults with ADHD


A new support group for parents of children with ADHD and adults with the condition, is launching today (Tuesday) in Dundalk.

ADHD Ireland are a non profit organisati­on and groups are run by volunteers with HADD ADHD Ireland support.

Attention Deficit Hyperactiv­ity Disorder (ADHD) is a medical/neurobiolo­gical condition in which the brain’s neurotrans­mitter chemicals, noradrenal­in and dopamine do not work properly.

It is a genetic and longterm condition which affects learning and behaviour right through the school years and in many cases beyond into adulthood.

It is a disorder that can co-exist to a greater or less- er degree, with any or other disorders such as dyslexia, autism, learning disorder, dyspraxia, conduct disorder, opposition­al defiance disorder.

ADHD is a very treatable condition. If diagnosed and properly treated, people with adhd can reach their potential and lead happy and successful lives.

The Dundalk support group meetings are aimed at discussing concerns, issues and resources available for ADHD in your work, and home life, or your child’s school life.

The first meeting is being held Redeemer Family Resource Centre today (Tuesday) from 11-1pm. Drop in or register interest at HADD-ADHD Ireland. Ph: 01 8748349 email

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