The Corkman

What are the symptoms and who is most at risk?


THE symptoms of Aussie flu strain are similar to those caused by regular flu but can be more severe or contagious than others.

SYMPTOMS can include:

* Sore throat and cough.

* Sudden fever, runny nose and sneezing. * Head and muscle aches.

* Fatigue.

* Nausea.

* Aussie Flu can lead to pneumonia and other potentiall­y fatal complicati­ons.

* People usually recover from flu within a week so, although the cough and fatigue may last longer. If the flu persists it’s a good indication to seek medical help.

* Vaccinatio­n is the best protection against the flu, with the HSE saying that people within the at risk groups can get the flu vaccine for free (people without medical or GP visit cards may be charged an administra­tion fee). The HSE have said that high-risk groups are: * All those aged 65 years and older.

* People including children with chronic illness requiring regular medical follow-up such as chronic lung disease, chronic heart disease, chronic neurologic­al disorders, neurodevel­opmental disorders and diabetes.

* Those with lower immunity due to disease or treatment and all cancer patients.

* All pregnant women. The vaccine can be given safely at any stage of pregnancy.

* Those with morbid obesity i.e. Body Mass Index equal to or greater than 40.

* Residents of nursing homes, old people’s homes and other long stay facilities.

* Health care workers and carer’s of those in risk groups.

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