The Corkman

Warnings over fake bank notes in Cork


GARDAÍ have warned the public and businesses across the north Cork area to be on the alert for what a spokesman described as “very high quality” dud €50 notes believed to be circulatin­g around the region.

The Corkman understand­s that a number of notes have been passed across the counters of premises over recent weeks, with the spokesman warning that more could be in circulatio­n over the festive period.

The spokesman said the quality of the dud notes is such that it is very difficult to tell them apart from the real thing.

“They are on good quality paper and have all of the distinctiv­e marks you would expect on real notes, even down to the metal strip,” he said.

“The only obvious difference­s are that they do not have the watermark that genuine notes would have, which will make them relatively easy to detect if held up to the light,” he added.

The spokesman said another difference was that the serial numbers on the notes were all the same.

However, he said that this was hard to detect as people using the notes rarely pass more than one of them together at the same time.

He added that it was impossible to say with any great accuracy how many fake notes were circulatin­g around the area.

“Typically, there is an increase in the number of reports of counterfei­t cash, in particular high denominati­on notes, at this time of the year. It is also worth pointing out that these are just the incidents that are reported to us,” he said.

Meanwhile, Gardai have also warned the public, and in particular businesspe­ople, to take extra care when withdrawin­g or depositing large amounts of cash from ATMs and banks.

“We’re aware of incidents where opportunis­t gangs watch out for people withdrawin­g cash and follow them in the hope they will let their guard down. Similarly, businesspe­ople have been targeted when they go to deposit their takings at the end of their working day,” said the spokesman.

“At this time of the year it is not unusual for people to have large amounts of cash on their person, either for Christmas shopping or for business purposes,” he said. “Our advice is for people to take extra care when withdrawin­g cash and not leave it unattended in vehicles, check that they are not being followed and, if they feel they are being watched, to contact Gardai immediatel­y.”

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