The Corkman

It’s winter: get married and have the reception in the same venue


WINTER is a powerful time of year and while every season has its beauty, a good idea if you’re getting married this time of year is to have an all-in-one ceremony. So what’s that I hear you ask? Well, it’s basically having your nuptial ceremony in the same hotel as the reception. This is practical on many fronts and when one considers that’s it is winter it makes a hell of a lot of sense for you and your guests.

Weather is the one thing we can’t trust in Ireland, especially in winter and there’s every chance that conditions will be poor for driving, even hazardous, and the last worry you need on your wedding day is stressing out over whether or not guests are arriving safely to and from the church.

Given the predominan­tly rural layout of Kerry and Cork, it’s quite common for the church to be several miles away from the reception venue. This is all well and good in summer but can prove trickier in winter.

Most hotels these days are well equipped to provide separate venues within the building to get married and have the reception. Even from a clothing, hair and make-up point of view, your guests will appreciate not having to wait around in the damp and gusty church yard shivering and longing for a warm drink in a cosy hotel.

Some people will always side with a church wedding no matter what the weather is, and that’s absolutely fine too. But if you want to stay one step ahead of the weather then you should definitely look into an all-in-one wedding venue. It’s both practical and, depending on the severity of the weather, probably safer too.

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