The Corkman

Progess being made in children’s playground project


WORK on the developmen­t of the children’s playground is progressin­g favourably in Millstreet Town Park.

Previously developed more than 25 years ago, those behind the project want to bring the playground in line with the rest of their fantastic amenity and make it a fun, healthy, inclusive and safe place for all little people.

The upgrade is set to cost approximat­ely €120,000, on average yearly income for the total running of the Town Park grounds is €15,000 (local lotto and club subscripti­ons) with annual recurring costs of a minimum of €8,000, on insurance, gym equipment maintenanc­e and machine repairs.

The organisers are very pleased with the way the fundraisin­g is advancing with many businesses making generous contributi­ons. Recently, each partner of the Millstreet Lotto Committee comprising Town Park, Millstreet GAA and the Community Council for the Youth Amenity agreed to donate a sum of €7,000 to the Children’s Playground Fund, the presentati­on made by Margaret Burke on behalf of the Community Council.

Friends of Millstreet can make a contributi­on by lodging directly online to Millstreet Town Park Committee back account at IBAN: IE61 BOFI 9058 0332 1050 69, BIC:BOFIIE2D, or send a cheque payable to ‘Millstreet

Town Park Committee’ c/o FÁS Offices, Millstreet Community Gym, Millstreet.

Joanne of McCarthys Bar in Millstreet is holding a Coffee Morning/ Afternoon in the Bar on this Saturday from 10.30 am to 2pm in aid of the Millstreet Play Ground. Everybody is welcome to attend.

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