The Irish Mail on Sunday


A life spent sitting, at a desk or on a sofa, is common in our modern world – and it leaves its mark on all of our backs if we are not careful. improving your posture will help reduce the risk of back ache and potential for injury when you are performing



See previous routine.


To work legs and bottom: This will be a blast from the past for anyone who went to dance classes in younger years. Stand upright next to a chair or table for support. Hold on with your left arm for support while stretching your right arm out in front of you like a ballet dancer. Stretch your right leg out in front of you and point your toes. Now swing your leg back and forth, working the muscles of thigh, hip and bottom. Repeat 10 times, then turn around and repeat with the left leg.


To strengthen shoulders and improve posture: Stand upright with your feet slightly apart on the centre of a resistance band, left, holding on to each end. Pull your shoulder blades together and raise arms up and out to the side, creating a ‘V’ shape with the band, then relax. Repeat 10 times.


To tone up arms and expand chest: Start off sitting or standing and raise your arms straight out to shoulder level. Bend your arms at the elbow, and bring your hands in front of your chest, so your fingertips touch, see above. This is the starting position. Push your arms and shoulders back, parting the fingertips. From here, ‘fling’ your arms open wide, expanding your chest. Slowly go back to the starting position, repeating the routine 10 times. 5


To strengthen wrists, arms and bottom:

Standing at arm’s length from a wall, place your palms against it at chest height, fingers facing upwards. Rest your bodyweight on your arms, and bend your elbows, lowering your body against the wall. Keep your back straight and your core tight. Press back to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

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