The Irish Mail on Sunday



Jupiter and Venus converge, and Mars opposes Uranus. If this weekend were a fruit, it would be passion fruit. If it was a cake, it would be a passioncak­e... you get the picture! And, as Neptune turns direct, it makes the impossible plausible..


Mar 21 - Apr 20 Even a group of people who are in disagreeme­nt will agree the best way to avoid problems is to keep everything as simple as possible. Yet, problems arise because everyone has their own ideas about what the simplest route is... and the resulting dialogues risk causing even more complicate­d scenarios! As your ruler, Mars, links with Uranus, you might not be able to create a state of harmony this week; but you can find an ingenious way to differ – and that could also lead to simple success! There’s electricit­y in the air as your ruling planet links with the great cosmic innovator. For a spark of inspiratio­n, call 1550 511 611.


Apr 21 - May 21 Although we don’t always say what we mean, usually we do. Yet, even when we are being as transparen­t as we can be, we still only say what we think we mean. Most of the time, we have no idea of our true, innermost responses. We tend to hold on tightly to appropriat­e, acceptable emotions and push any wilder feelings and ideas to the most remote place we can find. This week, when your ruler converges with Jupiter, it brings insight into your feelings about someone. That, is the moment to act. Fulfil your dreams! Let the week’s powerful celestial outlook reveal your heart’s true desires. For good news, call 1550 511 611.


May 22 - Jun 22 Is luck going to be on your side this week? Well, that rather depends on how lucky you consider yourself to be. Does being a participan­t in the miracle of existence, living on this spinning ball of rock, make you jump for joy? Or, are you more likely to feel weighed down by the pressure of the burdens you’re carrying? As long as you’re not stuck in a pessimisti­c frame of mind, this week’s astrologic­al climate brings you the equivalent of a lucky charm. Get your best smile ready. Your picture is positive. Capture the powerful energy of the positively star-filled skies. Call for your in-depth, four-minute forecast: 1550 511 611.


Jun 23 - Jul 23 When you hear a police siren behind you, do you ever (for a split second) think it might be coming for you? We all do this. Sometimes, even though we know we’ve done nothing wrong, a guilty feeling washes over us. Recently, you’ve been looking at a difficult scenario and wondering if you’re somehow to blame. Was it your fault? Should you be apologisin­g for something? The New Moon brings a reminder that no one’s perfect. You’ve done your best. If you can find the courage to walk tall, all will be well. The powerful New Moon brings a spark of inspiratio­n, and the energy to make a long-needed change. For insight, call 1550 511 611.


Jul 24 - Aug 23 As Jupiter and Venus align this week, you’re being galvanised into action. This is particular­ly good news because you’ve just about had enough of a certain situation and need a boost of energy to take decisive action. There’s no need to be upset by anyone, or anything. What’s more, you know exactly how you’d advise anyone who was in your shoes. So this is the time to practise what you preach. As long as you stay tuned to your true feelings, you’ll find the joyful freedom you deserve. In a week of cosmic creativity and inspiratio­n, you can transform your life. For four minutes of valuable news, call 1550 511 611.


Aug 24 - Sep 23 Whichever way you turn, wherever you go, there’s someone who needs your help. It’s hardly surprising... the combinatio­n of your empathic nature plus your ability to get things done means you’re extremely capable of guiding people in the right direction, with a new sense of motivation. But isn’t it exhausting? Do you enjoy being stretched to the limits? This week, the New Moon highlights your own needs and offers you ways to fulfil them. If you’re not enjoying something, try saying, ‘No’! This week, you can transform your life. Let the inspiring cosmic outlook show you the way to fulfil your destiny. Call 1550 511 611.


Sep 24 - Oct 23 Imagine you’re driving a car and you put your foot down hard on the accelerato­r, while also braking hard at the same time. Just as some manoevres should never be attempted, some situations should be avoided at all costs. You’ve been cautiously holding yourself back from committing to a new plan. This week, as your ruler, Venus, converges with Jupiter, you’re able to advance at a much more adventurou­s speed. With so much cosmic encouragem­ent, just make sure you’re doing what you want to do. This New Moon has a powerful message for you. For your spookily accurate prediction, call 1550 511 611.


Oct 24 - Nov 22 Are you feeling astonished and amazed, or perplexed and puzzled? Or, are you still in the waiting phase, crossing your fingers and hoping for an unforeseen developmen­t? As Mars, in your sign, links with the cosmic change-maker, Uranus, it creates a sense of disorder in your world. Yet in the midst of the inevitable confusion you experience this week, comes a moment of extraordin­ary opportunit­y. If you’re able to enjoy the sensation of life not being as you expect, you’ll be delighted by what manifests. Take advantage of this week’s powerfully positive celestial outlook. There’s potential for transforma­tion. Call 1550 511 611.


Nov 23 - Dec 21 Here’s a lyric to an appropriat­e tune for you to hum this week: ‘There’s a whole lot of things that I’ve never done, but I ain’t never had too much fun!’ You’re a Sagittaria­n; you appreciate the good things in life! This old country song epitomises your potential mood as Venus (love and creativity) links with your ruler, Jupiter, (luck, and joy). Is there a danger of having too much of a good thing? Or can you cast your worries to the side and enjoy yourself? Your enthusiasm will be generously rewarded. As Venus (love) and Jupiter (luck) connect, they inspire you to embark on a new adventure! Find out more – call 1550 511 611.


Dec 22 - Jan 20 With what authority do you have the right to judge right and wrong? I ask because there’s a chance you’ll be asked such a question this week. After taking time to consider and weigh up the various pros and cons of a situation, you’re coming to a decision about something or someone. Yet, no matter how carefully you decide, someone will be unhappy with your choice. Although you can’t please everyone, as Venus moves into your sign, be confident that your best is more than good enough. Positivity abounds as Venus, the planet of love, moves into your sign. This is an era of celestial creativity. Call 1550 511 611.


Jan 21 - Feb 19 We often think we know more than other people. We can be amazed by an apparent lack of knowledge. Yet, just as it’s wrong to think others are cleverer than we are, it’s wrong to think they’re less intelligen­t too. IQ is hard to measure. Our current tests, which don’t recognise skills such as empathy and insight, focus on a limited set of values. This week, as Uranus, your ruler, is energised by Mars, if you rid yourself of assumption­s about other people’s skills you can tap into a source of brilliance. Take full advantage of the inspiring cosmic climate as your ruling planet is energised. There’s fun in store! Call 1550 511 611.


Feb 20 - Mar 20 Life’s rollercoas­ter has its up and downs. They’re inevitable, like the seasons that make up our year. Just as it makes sense to accept changes in the weather and dig the appropriat­e clothes out of your wardrobe, so you can adapt to a changing emotional climate. This week, as Neptune changes direction, it encourages you to accept a situation for what it is. Once you’ve acknowledg­ed what’s happening, it will lose its power over you – then you’ll have the power to move ahead in a positive direction. Powerful changes are possible as Neptune changes direction. Make the most of the cosmic insight. For valuable news, call 1550 511 611.

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