The Irish Mail on Sunday



‘I was shocked, to be honest.’

Paul Cooke, the FAI’s interim executive lead, on his reaction to learning the true state of the accounts and debt at the FAI

‘This is my town, this is my chip van.’

Kevin Healy Rae, son of TD Michael, responding to a man who queried him when he barged to the top of a chip van queue in Kenmare – Healy Rae Jr, along with his brother Jackie, was convicted of assaulting the man this week and given a suspended sentence

‘He is two-faced.’

US president Donald Trump, on Canadian counterpar­t Justin Trudeau after his conversati­on making fun of Mr Trump was picked up on a microphone and broadcast

‘Reasonable, courteous and loving.’

Ryanair chief Michael O’Leary, describes to the High Court his dealings with his chief operating officer Peter Bellew after he annouced his departure to Easyjet.

‘Kids should be able to see a family show without seeing a strip show.’

Twitter user, criticises Nicole Scherzinge­r, left, and the Pussycat Dolls over their X Factor performanc­e

‘The barbarians have won. The battle is lost.’

John Richards, of the Apostrophe Protection Society, concedes defeat in his crusade to protect the apostrophe being misused.

‘Now is the time to assume the role of proud parents, offering advice and love, but not daily nagging.’

Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, announce they are stepping down from top roles at the tech giant’s parent company.

‘It’s an example of these tiny things that build up to create a whole patchwork quilt of sexist iconograph­y.’

PhD student Shelby Judge, hits out at ‘mansplaini­ng’ in the children’s book Mr Men In Scotland.

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