The Irish Mail on Sunday

UNISLIM Your guide to lockdown



WE know social distancing has made keeping our fitness and healthy eating goals a challenge. Our routines may be out of whack, but with a positive mindset, a little support and a few tweaks, we can turn this time at home into one of results.

If someone were to tell you six months ago that you’d be spending an indefinite period of weeks or months working from home, home-schooling your children, and exercising within a 2km radius of your place of residence, only getting in the car when it was necessary to do your weekly food shop, right at the start of spring, what would your response be? How might you have planned to spend this time?

Yes, these are challengin­g times for all of us, whatever way we may be spending the lockdown. And yet, as we’re reminded daily, this is our ‘new normal’. So what do we want our new normal to look like? How do we want to spend our days?

While we didn’t have a fortune-teller give us a heads up, we can still change the way in which we spend the remainder of the lockdown now that we’ve settled into it these past weeks. It all starts with a positive mindset, a few goals, and a plan.

‘Unislim is a lifestyle, not a place,’ says Unislim MD Fiona Gratzer. ‘And as soon as our classes temporaril­y closed, I realised we had to quickly find new ways to inspire and stay connected with our members. In just over a week, we’d moved everything to a newly-built digital platform and launched US! online – our new space for members to connect, with weekly videos, cookery demos, exercises and menu plans. Members can also chat with each other on our member-only app, weigh-in and get advice and support from their online mentor. Technology allows us to support members in this new, innovative way. However, we look forward to our classes reopening in the near future.”

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