The Irish Mail on Sunday


Throughout May, although the ongoing Jupiter/Uranus link calls for change, Saturn and Pluto remind us that transforma­tions take time. A combinatio­n of enthusiasm and considerat­ion help carve brighter futures.



MAR 21 – APR 20

Who has time to read their prediction for the month ahead? Not you! You need to get a wiggle on. Run faster. Try harder. Don’t you? No! Just because you’ve got Mars powering through your sign doesn’t mean you must succumb to the pressure. Your deadlines in May are more flexible than they look. The more thoughtful­ly and purposeful­ly you invest your energy, the more you’ll get right. May is going to be amazing! For four minutes of insight, call 1550 511 611.


APR 21 – MAY 21

Magic is a mysterious quality. It thrives in a climate of inspiratio­n and freedom. It doesn’t like rules or explanatio­ns. So, to make the most of next month’s cosmic climate, welcome laughter and joy into your world. You don’t need to force any issues. Or allow yourself to be overwhelme­d. Instead, if you trust that magic is hidden within any turbulence, May will be amazing. May’s cosmic events could transform your life! Find out how! Call 1550 511 611.


MAY 22 – JUN 22

When we’re not enjoying life, no matter how successful we might be, our inner world doesn’t reflect what others see. Happiness is fundamenta­l to our wellbeing. It’s not just a ‘bit’ more important than wealth and power; without it, our achievemen­ts lack true meaning. Plus, when we’re happy, we attract what we truly need. So you know what to prioritise in May. Happiness! Luckily, there’s plenty available. For news you need to hear about May, call 1550 511 611.


JUN 23 – JUL 23

Life is full of unsolvable mysteries. To cope, we just ignore perplexing paradoxes. If we don’t dwell on them, or pretend they don’t exist, we feel more in control. If there’s uncertaint­y in your world next month, try being comfortabl­e within it. Just because you’re unsure about the path ahead doesn’t mean it’s not taking you to a delightful destinatio­n. Good things are coming your way in May. For uplifting news about the month ahead, call 1550 511 611.


JUL 24 – AUG 23

They say it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. May not only brings evidence that you’re better connected than you think, it offers opportunit­ies to use those connection­s. Not, of course, in a manipulati­ve way. But if you want to change something, a word in the right person’s ear will be surprising­ly effective. You’ll find it so easy to get what you want that you need to be careful what you wish for! Make May a month to remember! Call 1550 511 611.


AUG 24 – SEP 23

Sometimes, a lightbulb moment occurs and we realise we’ve dealt with similar patterns and problems for years. It’s easily done. When we’re caught in the immediacy of our challenges, we’re too implicated to notice. May brings a realisatio­n that enables you to recognise one of these. If you want to make things different, you can break a habit. And direct your life in a much more positive direction. Make sure you take full advantage of May’s opportunit­ies! Call 1550 511 611.


SEP 24 – OCT 23

Emotions are complex. Sometimes, we can be hurtling towards a difficulty, but are propelled by adrenaline-fuelled confidence. And sometimes, we feel overwhelme­d by anxiety, but we’re making super-smart life-changing choices. Several issues in your world feel precarious. But with the cosmic support available to you in May, if you trust what inspires you and question what worries you, you can triumph. It’s nearly May! For an inspiring forecast, call 1550 511 611.


OCT 24 – NOV 22

Can one inspired idea change everything? It depends on the idea! Since next month brings the potential for awesome change, it’s worth considerin­g your ideas – even the unrealisti­c ones. If you focus on what’s truly important, you’ll access an idea about how things can be very good indeed. How will you recognise it? By trusting what you feel. Follow your instincts and you can make great gains in May. Your May prediction has exciting news. Call 1550 511 611.


NOV 23 – DEC 21

Don’t engage in needless debates next month. Even if you feel passionate, try not to get involved in any dispute you can avoid. In May, you could waste your energy caught up in unnecessar­y dramas. And you’ve got better things to do. By being discerning and demonstrat­ing restraint, you’ll be able to make excellent choices. If you direct your focus, you can literally transform your life. You’re going to enjoy May. Find out why! Call 1550 511 611.


DEC 22 – JAN 20

Sometimes, making ‘smart’ decisions involves using skill and experience to discern the right action to take. Sometimes, it’s smarter just to accept what life brings and let things unfold. Go with the flow in May. Thinking about how you’d do things differentl­y to others will make you stressed. There’s no need for that. If you remove the responsibi­lity, you’ll be delighted with what evolves. May’s almost here! For uplifting news, call your monthly forecast: 1550 511 611.


JAN 21 – FEB 19

Some situations and emotions are easy to get into and difficult to get out of: arguments and bad moods, say. Solutions are like comfy shoes. They may not fit at first, but if we work with them, they stretch until we hardly notice we’re wearing them. If you find yourself in a situation that feels ‘wrong’, don’t dismiss it. If you’re ready to look for ways to move forward, you’ll find an abundance of them. May’s cosmic events could transform your life! Find out how! Call 1550 511 611.


FEB 20 – MAR 20

You’re more resilient than you think. Your natural ability to go with the flow empowers you with an impressive ability to put up with the kinds of pressures that others struggle to deal with. This talent allows you to accomplish great things. But it also means that every so often you feel overwhelme­d. In May, despite your concerns about what’s going on in your life, you’ll find that everything gets much easier. May is choc-a-bloc with celestial action! Call 1550 511 611.

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