The Kerryman (North Kerry)



OVER €3,000 in cash was taken during a break-in at Parker’s Bar, Kilflynn, early on Monday morning when access to the premises was made via a window at the back of the pub which thieves smashed to gain entry. Two cash registers were taken from the pub and later found in a nearby field.

A Garda spokespers­on in Tralee said, “We have no progress at the moment as it is still early days. There were two cash registers found nearby and obviously the scene is being examined. Thankfully, there was no one living on the premises when the incident occurred, but it’s still a traumatic experience for the owners. We’re now looking for witnesses to come forward.”

This is the third such incident to hit Kilflynn village in as many years and people there are naturally concerned there haven’t, as yet, been any conviction­s. The nearby village of Abbeydorne­y – a few minutes’ away - was the closest Garda station to Kilflynn, but it has since closed as part of the nationwide strategy to reduce rural Garda stations.

“Yes, we have had a number of incidents in that area in recent years and naturally we would be concerned, as we are with incidents all across the county,” added the Garda.

Meanwhile, Michael Brady is the Chairman of ‘Kilflynn Community Together’ – a group of residents that work together to promote and maintain the village – and he expressed concern at the latest burglary.

“My biggest fear is the people doing this seem to be getting away with it, that’s the worrying part. I know the Guards are under pressure, but if the people responsibl­e could be named and shamed it might make a difference,” Michael said.

“We’re a sitting duck here as the village is centred on four crossroads and no matter which way you go, you’re away quick.

“But everyone here will row in behind the next person and the support Mike has got in the last 24 hours makes it a little easier. People just need to be that extra bit vigilant and look out for their neighbours,” he added.

 ??  ?? Parker’s Bar in Kilflynn
Parker’s Bar in Kilflynn

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