The Kerryman (North Kerry)


- by Carlos O’Connor

Taurus April 21 – May 21

A kind of tingling of excitement and a feeling of urgency run through this week. You feel that some kind of action is needed, but are not sure exactly what. No rush. No, really! Until you know what you want the outcome to be, hold fire. Relationsh­ips are about to change. Spring is in the air and the natural world enchants you. So, the old romantic is still there. Your Luck: Make the most of the good vibrations and get out and about.

Virgo August 24 – September 23

Feeling edgy and volatile this week? Not surprising. Sometimes planets influence our moods. Usually there is a purpose to this, but try not to tread on too many toes! This is especially true when it comes to work and finances. Remember there is a best time for everything. Chase a hobby or interest that gets you out and about. Burn off that excess energy rather than sit and grunt. Your Luck: There is so much to be found out there. Aim to please.

Capricorn December 22 – January 20

Looking into the past for inspiratio­n is fine, Capricorn, but avoid being over sentimenta­l. Taking it overall, this week and weekend give you the chance to make something right. Just choose your words very, very carefully! Taking a relationsh­ip ‘as it comes’ could be seen as a lack of interest. If that is what you want, then fine. If not, a little more effort is needed. Your Luck: Happiness can be fleeting but that does not make it worth less.

Gemini May 22 – June 21

Someone who you feel a real closeness to comes into your sphere. Strangely they may not be the kind of character who would normally attract you. So, what is going on here? It could be that the need for something or someone different has invaded your consciousn­ess. Spreading your wings means more than thinking about taking flight. Do you feel a need to warm up first? Your Luck: Sit in that sun and ponder the possibilit­ies.

Libra September 24 – October 23

There may be promising murmurs coming from a loved one, maybe even someone new, but stay sharp on finances. Any disagreeme­nts at work should be sidesteppe­d if possible. In any case, love is more on your mind that usual (and that is pretty difficult!) and concentrat­ing is hard. Be happy about what you have at the present time. This could turn out to be a ‘golden’ period. Your Luck: The grass is not always greener, is it?

Aquarius January 21 – February 19

Plans can be delayed, journeys upset, conversati­ons garbled or misunderst­ood. Through all of this, though, you certainly won’t be bored. Flying by the seat of your pants could really come to appeal. Why? Because it allows you to be creative and excited. Finding that you have such a reserve of energy and common sense brings its own sense of control. Your Luck: Keeping your sense of humour over finances is essential to keep stress at bay.

Cancer June 22 - July

An inspiring few days on the romance front are set to change. Rememberin­g an old love and how good it was brings many thoughts tumbling through your heart, enough to give you flutters. Why not find out more? Without burning current bridges, send out tentative tentacles? Stop thinking ‘what if’ and think ‘what if not?’ Can you afford to miss out on a chance to put something not only right but amazing? Your Luck: Actions speak loudest!

Scorpio October 24 – November 22

Spending more quality time with a partner can go either way this week. Will you be closer together or more apart at the end of it? That may depend on how forgiving you are of their little foibles. Take off the tinted glasses but be realistic. Have some fun and any minor irritation­s can seem as nothing. Your Luck: Inhibition­s are your emotional enemy, especially at the weekend.

Pisces February 20 – March 20

A loving and romantic time for most of this week gives that warm and fuzzy feeling. Enjoy and build on a recently renewed relationsh­ip. As the weekend approaches mail may arrive that challenges your current finances. Take a calm look and seek advice if need be. There is no need to face anything alone. Indeed, discussing problems can bring you closer to those who care. Your Luck: You are not a burden but a friend to be helped, so stop holding back.

Leo July 23 - August 23

A sharp look at your work prospects is due. Are you using all of your experience and talents to the full? Are you content to be in the same place ten years from now? Maybe reworking ambitions and dreams can now see you moving forward, even If only in theory. Taking a loved one for granted should be avoided. It is so easy when you are basically content. Your Luck: Surprise yourself and others by taking up a new hobby or organising a weekend away.

Sagittariu­s November 23 – December 21

Cash flow may be challenged this week, so keep an eye on what is going on and out! Shuffling payments and talking to others could avoid the need to borrow. Those who are flush already will still be surprised by some outgoings! Be sharp! Keep spending to a minimum. However, that does not need to stop you from planning ahead, as things can change. Your Luck: Romance can be given the lead if you want to relax at the weekend.

Aries March 21 – April 20 Partnershi­ps, personal or business, are highlighte­d this week. At times the strain of ‘going it alone’ makes you yearn for more closeness. That is natural. Even those who have a partner feel the need to make adjustment­s to try to bring hopes and ambitions up to date. Right now your ideas and attitudes need refreshing. Where better to do this than close to nature? Your Luck: Be ‘outdoorsy’ and make the most of what spring has to offer.

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