The Kerryman (North Kerry)



ON 28 May 2017 we, Naomhóig Na Tinte, will depart Dublin for Vigo and will stay the first night with friends in Santiago de Compostell­a, where our naomhóg is in safe keeping since 26 June 2016. On Monday morning our ship will be carried by road to La Coruna, where we will camp for the night. On 30 May we will set sail again to round the north western peninsula of Galicia. This coastline is aptly named ‘The Sea of Death’. We ask all our friends to light candles and say prayers for us that we keep our courage and applicatio­n.

We will admire Túr Bhreogáin or El Torre de Hercules, the world’s most ancient light house. It is reputed that the first Gaels sailed from here, reaching Kenmare, where two of the sons of Milesius came ashore. We have to manouevre the north western peninsula of Galicia with extreme care and dedication. When we reach Finistere we will sail south heading for the city of Porto in Portugal, availing of northerly winds known as the Nortada Winds.

We will be camping in small coastal towns, in noisy cities and by sheltered coves along the coast. We will tussle with land, sea and the elements from 30 May to 29 June on our fourth pilgrimage of the Camino by Sea Voyage.

The blisters on our hands and other hardships of the voyage will be offset by our joyous team spirit and the blessings of the pilgrimage. Our hearts will fill with courage and our limbs with energy as we play music, sing songs, recite poems and tell stories. Friends, relatives and supporters are most welcome to meet us at any point on our land and sea pilgrimage. If we fail to complete our Voyage, it will not be for the lack ofo effort.

After years of sweat, wisdom and holiness the Naomhóg na Tinte pilgrims are devoted to three commandmen­ts: no captain; no complainin­g; and no anger. May God and Saint James protect and guide us all the way!

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