The Kerryman (North Kerry)

Court hears of threat to scald daughter’s partner


A GLENBEIGH father threatened to pour boiling tea over his daughter’s partner after he and his son smashed in the door of their house in Glencar, Cahersivee­n District Court heard last week.

Patrick Moriarty and his two sons, Shane and Keith Moriarty of 10 Avenue Drive, Glenbeigh faced a number of charges at Cahersivee­n Court last week following two separate incidents involving Edward Whelan who is the partner of Patrick Moriarty’s daughter, Laura.

The court heard that on January 11, 2016 Keith and Patrick Moriarty arrived at the house of Edward Whelan in Bunglasha, Glencar, and began banging on the door.

They then burst the door in on top of Laura who is Mr Whelan’s partner and she fell back and hit a glass panel. However, there was no assault charge arising out of this.

Patrick Moriarty also threatened to pour boiling tea over Mr Whelan during the same incident.

Two months later, on March 28, Shane and Keith were in the Rowantree pub in Glencar when Mr Whelan was also on the premises. The court heard that Shane followed Mr Whelan into the toilets and nudged him attempting to aggravate him.

Keith later followed him into the toilets, as did Shane, who hit Mr Whelan. A brawl ensued and Shane was asked to leave the bar.

Keith was outside later when Mr Whelan came out and he struck him on the right eye and nose and he fell to the ground.

Keith committed that offence while on bail in relation to the other incident in January.

Arising out of the incidents Shane Moriarty came before the court on a charge of assault causing harm at the Rowantree bar in Glencar on March 28.

He also came before the court on unrelated road traffic offences at Avenue Drive, Glenbeigh, including non-display of tax for which he was convicted and fined €200 and for non-display of an L plate while driving on a provisiona­l licence, for which he received a €100 fine.

Keith Moriarty was before the court for entering the home of Edward Whelan at Bunglasha North, Glencar, with the intent to commit an assault causing harm to Mr Whelan, and criminal damage arising out of the same incident. He was further charged with assault causing harm at the Rowantree bar.

Patrick Moriarty was charged with entering the house of Mr Whelan with the attention of an assault causing harm to Mr Whelan, as well as producing an article in the course of a fight namely a pot of boiling tea.

The case was adjourned to May 10 to allow Mr Whelan to come to court to give evidence.

Judge David Waters told defence solicitor Paul O’Donoghue that one of his clients was in serious jeopardy when the case comes before court again as he had committed one of the offences while on bail.

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