The Kerryman (North Kerry)

Jail for Tralee burglar after Kenmare visit


A TRALEE man, who stole tools and diesel in Kenmare town, while he had a suspended sentence, was given a three month jail sentence for his part in the burglary.

Robert Coffey of 42 Woodview Park, Tralee, and his co-accused Patrick Roche of 27 Woodview Park, Tralee, came before Kenmare District Court last Friday on charges of burglary, theft and criminal damage in relation to an incident in Kenmare on December 2 last.

The court heard that, on December 2, Garda Twomey observed a white van backed into a laneway where diesel had been taken three nights previously.

In the back of the van Gardaí discovered tools which had been taken from 24 Henry Street earlier that night, after the padlock to a shed had been cut to gain entry.

On the night Mr Roche remained at the scene but Mr Coffey fled and made his way back to Tralee. However, gardaí arrived at his door some weeks later on December 18.

The court heard that Mr Coffey had 23 previous conviction­s – the most recent of which was at Cahersivee­n District Court on February 18 last for an offence carried out on August 17 when he entered a public house in the town through the roof. He was on bail at the time.

Mr Coffey was also charged with a separate offence of theft in Kenmare between November 26 and 28 when diesel was stolen.

The court heard that Mr Roche has 15 previous conviction­s – the most recent of which was in March 28 when he got a two month sentence, which is being appealed. He also has a suspended sentence dating back to 2017.

The two boys are neighbours, the court heard. Solicitor for Mr Coffey, Pat Mann, said that they were driving around looking for scrap when they ran out of diesel.

The court heard that Mr Coffey was trying to kick a drug habit. His only previous theft conviction was the Cahersivee­n incident and other conviction­s involved feud-related incidents dating back many years.

Judge David Waters said Mr Coffey was on bail at the time of the Kenmare offence but he said he would ‘reluctantl­y’ give him a chance and he handed down a one year suspended sentence. Mr Roche was given jail as he committed the Kenmare incident while under a suspended sentence, which he had received in Tralee in March 2017.

David Ramsay, Mr Roche’s solicitor, said his client was attempting to get on the “straight and narrow.”

However, Judge Waters said that a ‘custodial sentence’ was the only option given the circumstan­ces and he gave Roche a three- month sentence on the burglary charge. The other charges were taken into considerat­ion.

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