The Kerryman (North Kerry)


- By Carlos O’Connor

Taurus April 21 – May 21

There is a lightness around you now that sometimes takes your thoughts back to childhood. Every so often a feeling of pure joy reminds you of days long gone. This could be triggered by contact from the past. Gather folk together who have a positive and happy attitude. With Venus urging you forward, love can’t be far away. There is a lot of sharing and caring going on. Enjoy! Your Luck: Reserve judgement when faced with the need to take sides.


August 24 – September 23

Sometimes wishing that there were two of you? Certainly this week is going to stretch your talents. Still, all that effort starts to pay off as finances improve. Some people think of saving and making money as an exciting challenge. Why not try it? Love life is in a bit of a fuzz at the moment. Maybe you need to pay more attention to what your partner really wants and not what you think they should be happy with? Your Luck: This week, listen and learn. No, really listen!

Capricorn December 22 – January 20

There is a search for happiness that goes on within us all our lives. This week you will find a little gem of this. Take note. You may not be feeling over-confident socially. A few personal adjustment­s are needed. Spending time with an old friend (maybe someone you went to school or college with) sheds a light on your current questions. Do they have the answer? Investigat­e. Your Luck: Break the habit of a lifetime and surprise someone who expects nothing.

Gemini May 22 – June 21

Wanting to do something out of the ordinary, your sense of adventure is in full swing. Using your imaginatio­n, bring back the delights of past years. Indeed, an interest that you had then can be just as exciting now! Looking for a new challenge at work? Think ‘lucky’ and step forward with a new idea! Someone not pulling their weight or doing something that they promised to? Your Luck: Avoid getting frustrated by someone just not doing as they should.


September 24 – October 23

A chance comment from a friend sets you wondering about someone from the past. Maybe you would like to be in the same situation again? Pursue this idea only if it is practical. People and places do change, you know. All this week conversati­ons throw up unexpected comments and ideas. In a sensitive and sensuous week, pay special attention to a loved one. Your Luck: Is it time to admit your feelings at last?

Aquarius January 21 – February 19

Scents and scenery this week take you back to happy memories. Be it a bluebell wood or the smell of fresh bread, your senses are telling you something. Some parts of the past are worth rememberin­g and even recreating. If you admire someone make a point of getting together with them or at least arranging to do so. Now! Any time spent alone refreshes your thoughts and feelings. Your Luck: Knowledge gained by accident can be really useful, so get chatting.

Cancer June 22 - July 22

Feelings from the past come cascading back at the most unexpected times. Rather than looking for a reason, wonder why you are being reminded at this time. Perhaps methods that you used in the past could now help you in business? In a lucky personal period, will romance come bounding your way? Work-wise, be sensible and time any changes carefully. Patience will pay off in this area. Your Luck: A good week in which to be flexible and imaginativ­e.


October 24 – November 22

Attend to your basic needs and beliefs. What warms your heart today has hardly changed over the years. When you think of your future, please remember that no amount of money can replace these things. The urge to turn over a new leaf physically does not have to mean changing everything. By the same token, making little tweaks at the edges will not get you results. Your Luck: What is needed is a proper plan that could carry you over the next couple of years.


February 20 – March 20

Closeness can be something that develops slowly but it can also feel instant. This week you could feel that instant rapport with someone. This could be a short-term bubble but nonetheles­s enjoyable. Not so harmonious are some work-relationsh­ips. Find out the root cause of any hesitation from others with a little investigat­ion. Use your brain and channel your thoughts. Your Luck: Time and money may both be tight so delay when possible rather than annoy.


July 23 - August 23

Feeling a little sentimenta­l this week? Seek out the company of those who will understand your mood and the directions of your thoughts. A chat with someone from the past brings you back from a rut. Were you about to fall in? A lucky week when your heart can be fully engaged, whatever you do. Practical issues at work bring comments from higher up that you thought you would never hear. Your Luck: Praise has been a long time coming so enjoy those comments.

Sagittariu­s November 23 – December 21

If something is worth doing this week, do it well. Taking a slack attitude could see you fall short of the mark. You don’t really want to start at the beginning again, do you? A bit of ‘inward thinking’ is good. You have no objection to your own company when others are annoying. Make a point of getting out and about next week. Venus will be hugging your tail and urging you forward! Your Luck: Romance is closely linked with your imaginatio­n. Use it!

March 21 – April 20

There are moments this week when you feel happy and bubbly. Social moves made recently are now becoming really enjoyable. If you are still hesitating about joining that club or group, hesitate no longer. Surprise meetings bring both romance and inspiratio­n. Try to hold back from making a sharp comment at work. Is it really necessary? Will it solve anything? Keep good relationsh­ips in this area. Things are about to happen. Your Luck: An open mind and a flexible attitude gets results.

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