The Kerryman (North Kerry)



Across 1. Questionab­le tale (5,5) 7. Firearm (5) 8. Bristly growth (7) 10. African (8) 11. Impolite (4) 13. Of aromatic plants (6) 15. Caretaker (6) 17. Male sheep (4) 18. Repudiate (8) 21. Main female character (7) 22. Shelf (5) 23. Unenforced law (4,6)

Down 1. Number (5) 2. Ghostlike (8) 3. Sycophant (3-3) 4. Therefore (4) 5. Spring back (7) 6. Protestant organisati­on (4,6) 9. Digit divisible by two (4,6) 12. Arthurian knight (8) 14. Regret (7)

16. Card game call (6) 19. Viper (5) 20. Sort (4)

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