The Kerryman (North Kerry)

Asdee displays that real rural community spirit


EXTRAORDIN­ARY times can encourage the ordinary person to make extraordin­ary efforts – as seen across the county this week as communitie­s rally to support their most vulnerable.

Asdee in North Kerry is a great case in point, where the team in the Asdee Community Developmen­t Group has set up a community initiative to help look after those in the area.

The group has put a support network in place for anyone in need of assistance for food, fuel or prescripti­ons in the coming weeks.

John Kennedy, Chairman of the group, was speaking to The Kerryman on Monday morning about the initiative and why he feels it’s so important.

“We had a meeting there on Thursday night, and it was decided that a number of the committee, that they would take their own different areas and touch base with those in the area who would be most at risk: the elderly, the vulnerable,” he said.

“We’d see what they need with regards to food and fuel and see what we can do to help. As well as this, a number of the committee will be getting in touch with the pharmacies in Listowel and Ballybunio­n and that they’ll be able to pick up prescripti­ons for them and drop them into their house if that was necessary,” he continued.

“We are aiming to increase the safety of the elderly, those with pre-existing conditions, and those in self-isolation, by making sure they are sufficient­ly stocked without needing to put themselves in harm’s way.”

The aim of the initiative, John says, is to make sure that the elderly and most vulnerable people have all that they’ll need for a week or two at least.

So far, John says that the idea has received a great reception locally.

“We are there to help out as a community, and it has gotten a tremendous reaction from everyone in the community because I suppose that it’s at times like this, when you’re down and you need people, that you see who’s around you,” he said.

All those who need to avail of the service can do so by getting in contact with any member of Asdee Community Developmen­t or through John Pius Walsh’s shop.

“We encourage everyone to visit our website AsdeeVilla­ for helpful advice & informatio­n about the virus,” he said.

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