The Kerryman (North Kerry)


- by Carlos O’Connor

Aries March 21 – April 20

Is there a spring in your step and a lighter feeling all round? As mornings are lighter and the gloom of winter begins to lift, prepare for sunshine. Everything in the garden may not be rosy yet, but you’ve been putting in some good groundwork. A couple of decisions made recently may have felt small but will prove ground-breaking. Feeling less wobbly? Good. Your Luck: Be less flexible and more positive. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

Leo July 23 – August 23

I expect you’ve been working so hard and considerin­g others so much that you’ve hardly looked up. Raise your chin and see the glow ahead of you! With spring just around the corner surely you deserve a little treat? Be it with a partner or by yourself, do something you’ve always wanted to do. It may be big or small but it certainly gives a boost. Your Luck: Being less than perfect can be endearing. People who make mistakes can still be loveable.

Sagittariu­s November 23 – December 21

Sometimes our responsibi­lities get the better of us, don’t they? It’s easy for me to say ‘take a break’ but I know it’s not always possible. In your mind, however, you can plot and plan ahead for freer times. Your wellbeing is tied up with others, of course. Even so, give yourself a few kind words. Waiting for others to praise you can be a negative experience. Your Luck: What have you achieved over the last year or so? See, more than you thought.

Taurus April 21 – May 21

Do you feel that whiff of spring in the air? Yes, the equinox this week brings hope and renewal. Get to grips with any workload. Paying attention to finances would be a good move too! Although you want to get ahead quickly on a personal matter, figure out all of your options first. When it comes to romance you want to be in the right place at the right time! Your Luck: Remember what a little compliment or small gift can do for someone’s mood? Yes please.

Virgo August 24 – September 23

So much has been spinning around in your world that slowing down has probably not been an option. You may still need some ‘me’ time to restore the balance. Business-wise on a bit of a roll? That’s OK as long as you realise the need for a break. Soon enough spring will be here and loved ones will be demanding more of your time. Lucky you to be so in demand! Your Luck: Listen carefully when others speak quietly. There could be gold in those words.

Capricorn December 22 – January 20

Lots to do? Want to keep the momentum going? Momentum, that is a long word. Let us try this one for size: rest. Now, doesn’t that sound better? Please look after your health as you bowl at speed through your day. Just an hour or two of relaxation makes such a difference. After all, you are no good to anyone if you overdo it, are you? Be kind to yourself. Your Luck: Fresh air, exercise, healthy food. No? You know it makes really good sense.

Gemini May 22 – June 21

That bright light shooting through your mind this week is a taste of spring. Yes, the equinox is here and energy flows. Some ideas born now can be bigger than envisaged. For sure it’s a good time to consider things that will propel you and yours into the future. In your enthusiasm, however, be sure to check the finances. Avoid spending more than is manageable. Your Luck: Be real in your expectatio­ns and avoid going ‘away with the fairies’. What takes your fancy?

Libra September 24 – October 23

Being a responsibl­e sort of person you do sometimes take life too seriously. It’s important to let your limits be known, of course. You of all the signs cannot abide any situation that’s out of balance or unfair. Consider this though… spring will soon be upon us and romance and love will begin to show. If it is to blossom (and how you want that) you’ll need to make time for it. Your Luck: Making a few changes to your style really makes someone’s eyes sparkle.

Aquarius January 21 – February 19

I want to give you a pat on the back for being so patient. Pick up the fact now that spring is definitely in the air. Those around you will be lighter in mood. Boost it by pointing out the good things around them, including you! See work ahead of you as a fun challenge to get done, not a burden. You have come this far and success is close. Your Luck: Boost your health and wellbeing by watching that food and exercise plan. What plan? Really!

Cancer June 22 – July 22

Unexpected visitors may bring long-held secrets to life. Well, what would life be without our little mysteries? Still, remind yourself not to get annoyed with the messenger. In a great week for communicat­ions, this is one you should pay attention to. Do a little something for a loved one at the weekend. When considerin­g all they’ve done for you, isn’t it well deserved? Your Luck: Kindness may not be the first thing on your ‘to do’ list but it will show its worth.

Scorpio October 24 – November 22

Oh, such leaping ahead! Just when you thought that things were slowing down it is ‘all change’! With the emphasis still largely on work it is still necessary to make plans for a break. Things may be a little up in the air as far as timing is concerned. It’s most likely that you will change your destinatio­n several times. Even so, keep a slot free. Overwork is a baddy. Your Luck: Stretch yourself physically a bit. Raise your chin before you raise a glass. See what is ahead?

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