The Kerryman (North Kerry)

The show must go on...line for Jack Patrick as he delights fans with live sets


ONE of Kerry’s favourite musical sons, Jack Patrick Healy, might be like the rest of the world at the moment - living under strict lockdown measures - but thanks to the wonder of technology, he has still been able to do what he does best - play live music to an audience.

Using Facebook Live, Jack has so far performed six live shows from his house in London and so far, each one has been a huge success with requests for songs streaming in from all around the world.

For Jack, playing music is what he loves to do and he hopes that by playing these shows, that he is doing his own small bit to help lift some of the gloom in the world right now.

“Obviously I’m self employed and we don’t know when next the bars are going to open so I rely on audience members and on bars to be open. The major thing for me was that I think that it’s very easy for people to forget you in this business if you’re completely out of the limelight altogether,” said Jack on Monday afternoon.

“I just had the idea that the best thing that I could do was to go live with me at the piano and anyone who wanted a song could send in a request and sure, the reception to it has been amazing so far,” he continued.

Having played six shows to date, Jack has tried to mix up each show by doing something different, be it doing a show entirely of Broadway songs or by doing a Mother’s Day special, Jack has tried to hit every target audience out there.

When put to him that he was doing his bit to help put a smile on people’s face, Jack said that this was his big goal when setting out.

“As so many loved ones are being lost to this tragedy, it’s now all about keeping the people you have together and that’s the beauty of what I’m doing on Facebook live. People have been able to stream it on their TV’s and sit around the room - obviously keeping their distance of course - and listen to some music and spend time together and get song requests in for the loved ones that they can’t be with,” he said.

On a personal note, Jack’s own mom back in Kerry tunes in to watch his shows, making them that little bit more special for him, knowing she’s watching too.

For updates on Jack going live, check out his Facebook page.

 ??  ?? South Kerry musician, Jack Patrick Healy, pictured during one of his Facebook live streams that he has taken to performing during the strict COVID-19 lockdown in London. Eeach post-it note on the table is a request for a song by an audience member watching his live stream.
South Kerry musician, Jack Patrick Healy, pictured during one of his Facebook live streams that he has taken to performing during the strict COVID-19 lockdown in London. Eeach post-it note on the table is a request for a song by an audience member watching his live stream.

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