The Kerryman (South Kerry Edition)

Don’t dismiss sporting aspect when enrolling


SPORT might not be the first thought that enters a parent’s head when enrolling their child in secondary school: academic proficienc­y, location and a strong record for success and caring for students are naturally the first things considered. But shouldn’t a pledge to sport be a factor also? Few things in life have the ability to alter human emotion quite like sport, and that’s just for those of us who enjoy watching it!

Sport and secondary school are important allies as they help build foundation­s, not just for lifelong friendship­s, but also confidence. Secondary schools that make sport a key part of their curriculum know well that combining sport with study helps to create a more rounded school experience. Mild, physical exertion has been known to encourage mental appetite since the time of the ancient Greeks when physical activity was seen as having a direct correlatio­n to study. But an active, sporting environmen­t also acts as an anchor for students and helps them identify with a school.

Very often the sporting side of school life will keep children engaged with their studies and the active involvemen­t induced by sport helps reduce boredom giving students something to identify with once the school bell rings. Of course the friendship­s that derive from playing sport in school can’t be stated enough either and sport will also make children feel they are part of something other than a classroom which is the perfect counterbal­ance when study gets stressful and laborious. Sport is an important part of school life and will help your child engage in a way that compliment­s their study. That’s something worth enrolling for.

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