The Kerryman (South Kerry Edition)

Why winter is the best time to advertise property...


THE popular view in Real Estate is that winter and summer are not good times of the year to advertise and sell property. Apparently no one is interested in selling or moving in winter, while summertime is when people are distracted by holidays. While commercial property and land sales are thought to be less restricted by seasonal factors, in terms of residentia­l properties, spring and autumn is when property pages and websites tend to swell with units for sale.

But trends easily change and according to the website, Daft. ie, more and more properties are coming on stream during the winter months of December and January as it is felt this is when people are more receptive to viewing property.

Winter is a time when we slow down and take stock of what’s happening around us; a time when people are home on holidays - meaning more time is given to driving around and visiting and viewing areas that might otherwise be out of mind for most of the year.

People spend more time roaming online in winter which also increases the chances of viewing property. Winter is when more indepth analysis is given to fulfilling those property related promises that are put on the long finger for most of the year. Add to the mix the scarcity of properties advertised during winter and it gives rise to a scenario whereby properties that are advertised get a more attentive audience.

These are some of the factors making their way into Real Estate thinking now and why sellers should consider winter months as an opportunit­y to pitch their property. Even if one applies the logic that few properties are advertised in winter, would it not suggest this is a prudent time to advertise your property? Surely when others are less inclined to advertise is when you should, thus increasing the chances of your property having a ‘standalone’ moment among perspectiv­e buyers.

Even aside from residentia­l units, when do we most discuss holiday plans? Wintertime. So why would winter not be an opportune time to advertise holiday homes for sale? The question is asked: is it time to consider winter – when there is less competitio­n in the market - as an opportunit­y to advertise? The fact no one else is advertisin­g should not be a prompt for you to follow suit. After all, a quiet time of year for advertisin­g is, by extension, a time when the chances of your property gaining exposure are greater.

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