The Kerryman (South Kerry Edition)

Pub Quiz


1. Who played J. R. Ewing in Dallas? A. Laurence Harry, B. Larry Hagman, C. Larry Horace, D. Laurence Heal.

2. Who became president of the Philippine­s when the Marcos regime came to an end in 1986?

A. Cory Aquino, B. Mari Aquino,

C. Thomas Aquino, D. Mali Aquino.

3. What is the best known book written by Louisa May Alcott?

A. Pride and Prejudice, B. Sense and Sensibilit­y, C. Vanity Fair, D. Little Women.

4. Which masked avenger was portrayed in the 1950s on the small screen by Guy Williams?

A. The Phantom, B. Batman, C. Zorro, D. Spiderman.

5. Who was Britain’s first Labour prime


A. Arthur Henderson, B. Harold Wilson, C. Ramsay MacDonald, D. Clement Attlee.

6. Which French town, together with Rheims, gives its name to an English translatio­n of the Bible from the Latin Vulgate version used by Roman Catholics? A. Le Havre, B. Bordeaux, C. Douai, D. Montpellie­r.

7. Who won the women’s race in the 1996 London Marathon?

A. Liz McColgan, B. Stephanie McColgan, C. Rachel McColgan, D. Sharon McColgan.

8. What sort of creature is a Camberwell beauty?

A. A lizard, B. A butterfly, C. A bird,

D. A fish.


1. B; 2. A; 3. A; 4. A; 5. D; 6. D;

7. B; 8. D.

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