The Kerryman (South Kerry Edition)


- by Carlos O’Connor

Taurus April 21 – May 21

Midweek brings a long overdue conversati­on. Maybe distance or pride has stopped this happening before? When feelings come to a point it is so much easier to express our emotions as you will this week. Someone who you have loved in the past is in your mind. This could be because of an anniversar­y or magical moment in time. Remember with fondness to warm your heart. Your Luck: Those close are quick to give advice but do they really know you?

Virgo August 24 – September 23

Do you know all that you need to know about an upcoming change? It is well worth asking questions and seeking advice. Some of you may resist change, wasting your own time and that of other people. Partners are not very helpful. Is that because they truly do not want to say? Someone who has been here before can lead the way. Soon everything is clearer. Your Luck: You have the weekend to ponder on an offer. Look to the past to get a possible answer.

Capricorn December 22 – January 20

Most of your feelings at the moment seem to stem from the past in one way or another. Of course we have to consider the past or we would never learn from it. Confidence that comes from the heart sees you sailing into the weekend. Do your best to be with loved ones then or to get out and about. You could meet someone who will play a part in your future. Your Luck: Unexpected meetings really wake up your imaginatio­n and show the possibilit­ies.

Gemini May 22 – June 21

When thinking about letting go of something it is hard to make a decision. Ask yourself, though, if your life would have been different if you had never had it. Everything has its time and place. Dreams move on and your emotions move with them. What you once had can bring great pleasure to someone new. This makes the ‘giving’ rather special when you are giving up! Your Luck: Being practical this week does not help your situation. Go more with the flow.

Libra September 24 – October 23

Although you’d rather shy away from awkward situations, this does need tackling. Why waste your time and energy going over and over an answer that you already know? Trying to please everyone could end up pleasing no-one. That includes yourself! Give someone close extra love and understand­ing and then see what emerges. Give yourself the gift of forethough­t. Your Luck: Keep that mind sharp by only considerin­g the facts before you get tangled in any emotions.

Aquarius January 21 – February 19

A stimulatin­g week on all fronts. Although there may be many more things to do at work, there is also a lot going on at home. Not in the mood for DIY? Take the plunge and just get it over with! What you consider as unimportan­t is very much so to someone close. It is noted that there is a willingnes­s to go the extra mile, good for business, surely? Your Luck: The weekend sees you in a powerful position. Take on a challenge you know you are able to win.

Cancer June 22 – July 22

Take time making decisions this week as an idea has not yet formed properly. A combinatio­n of awkward finances and a romantic attachment are muddying the waters. It’s an emotional time when it would be all too easy to shoot from the hip. Please don’t. Wait a few days for your thoughts to clear. You know that achieving balance is very important. Your Luck: Anyone trying to push you this week is on a very sticky wicket indeed! Really, they should know better!

Scorpio October 24 – November 22

The feeling that something big is about to happen seems to be unsettling you. The fact is that until you work out what you are afraid of you won’t find much of a solution! Maybe there are questions that you are asking yourself that you need to ask someone else? Others may be able to explain and may even be having these feelings themselves. Find out. Your Luck: A great week for making a list of your ambitions, hopes and dreams.

Pisces February 20 – March 20

This week seems peppered with misinforma­tion and misunderst­andings. To get a clearer picture, wait until the weekend kicks in. Others will then come to you with something that really rings true. React naturally. You could pretend that what you are told is not at all of interest. The problem with that is you lose out on being able to find out more. Your Luck: Use casual humour and charm to get the informatio­n that you need. It is only then you will be able to decide.

Leo July 23 – August 23

Can you hear those changes galloping over the horizon? Really? Face the facts and get organised rather than bury your head in the sand. That is a tricky manoeuvre at the best of times. This can be a great time to think ahead in your love life. What twists and turns have led you to this place? Tweak and twirl. Delays to a plan at the weekend may be irksome but shortlived. Your Luck: What starts as an inconvenie­nce becomes a fresh start very quickly.

Sagittariu­s November 23 – December 21

This is a time when the attention you give yourself really pays off. Always you are asking so much of your body and mind without really thinking about it. Like anything else your body needs nourishing. The right food, sleep and attitude can see you feeling and looking your best. Feeling a bit tired or listless? Read the above again and act on it, please! Your Luck: Developmen­ts at work leave you with a smile on your face for the weekend.

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