The Kerryman (South Kerry Edition)




As we move towards the Easter break we are still in a national lockdown and all games and coaching are cancelled. We do not know when they will resume and in the meantime all our coaches nationally, at county and in our own club are posting very helpful tips to keep fit and to continue with skill practice.

Both the GAA & the LGFA have issued practice and skill developmen­t plans. All are available on our web site www.ballymacga­a. com


Each and everyone of us in our club wish all our health care workers and all others in our community who continue to go to work the very best at this time. We have so many people from our Community going out to work in these difficult times to keep our vital services going. In good times they are the backbone of our GAA Club helping with administra­tion, coaching, playing, first aid and in so many other ways and helping us to run our club. We now salute you and hope you and your families stay safe and well.


Ballymacel­ligott GAA in conjunctio­n with Ballymacel­ligott Community Alert Group are offering help to anyone in the area that needs it over the next while.

We will offer services such as delivering shopping, medication and fuel for those living alone or unable to do so. If you need help or would like to volunteer to assist please call or text Fionnán Fitzgerald at 087-986 0441or Maureen O’Shea at 087-979 5220, Jer Lynch at 087-2025402

It is very important that all assistance be given in a safe hygienic manner. Hands should be washed before handling bags, medication etc. Safe social distance of at least 2 metres should be observed. Sneezing should be done into tissue or the elbow. Houses should not be entered.

Payment to shops can be made over the phone and we can collect and deliver. If unable to pay over the phone the amount should be placed in an envelope after washing hands and left outside the house once the person delivering appears.

The person delivering will be a local, you will have their number and deliveries will be made in daylight hours.

By working together calmly and steadily we will overcome - Ballymac always has.

Keep practicing the below and play your part by :

- Reduce social contacting stay apart but stay in contact with family, friend & neighbours

- Distance yourselves 2 metres from people in shops and supermarke­ts

- Stop shaking hands

- Avoid touching our eyes, nose or mouth

- Washing our hands regularly and practice cough and sneeze hygiene

- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces

- Work from home where possible

We need your help with Contact Tracing

We have been sent a suggestion that all people should be encouraged to keep a diary of all places they visit and a list of the people they have physical contact with on a daily basis.

If this is taken on board, it would reduce the workload of those working tirelessly with the job of Contact Tracing in the weeks ahead.

If this message was sent to all Groups, Clubs, Societies and all in turn sent this message to all their members this would make a big difference in identifyin­g people who needed to be contacted and reduce the workload of Contact Tracing.

I hope that you will pass on this message to family and friends once you have started your own diary. Start with yourself today . Many Thanks

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