The Kerryman (South Kerry Edition)

Low water pressure is simply ‘unacceptab­le’



LOW water pressure due to outdated water pipes in Brewsterfi­eld and Knockanes in Killarney is having an impact on homes and farms as residents struggle to have enough water for basic needs.

Though plans to replace the pipes were a priority back in 2007 now Irish Water have no plans to carry out works in this area leaving residents with intermitte­nt water supply.

Despite pleas by the local school, Knockanes, where sinks and toilets do not always function due to the poor water supply, and from local farmers who do not have water supply for animals, Irish Water will not be undertakin­g works to improve the situation any time soon. However, Kerry County Council said they would carry out interim works to help improve the situation including a pump close to Doherty’s.

The crisis water situation is ironically close to the Loughguitt­ane Reservoir where much of Kerry’s water is supplied from. Senior Executive Engineer Colm Mangan told councillor­s and a deputation of residents from the area that though water pressures is ‘very bad in locations’ this does not fit the criteria by Irish Water to undertake the necessary pipe replacemen­t works. They have sought €4m to replace the pipes. However, water quality is a key criteria and is not an issue for this region. Another criteria is the number of breaks and this is not an issue here either.

“It is not high on the list as it does not mean the criteria .. I am not optimistic that we will get the money for pipes in the foreseeabl­e future.”

An online deputation to the Killarney Municipal District Meeting last week told of the ongoing problems faced in the local area due to low water pressure.

There are in the excess of 90 houses served by the water mains as well as 24 farms and Knockanes National School.

“I have cattle and I milk cows and some-times I have no water on the farm for some time...The situation is unacceptab­le,” said resident Francie Doherty.

“Money was allocated 13 years ago but nothing has happened since...There are new houses being built...The situation is unacceptab­le.”

Leonard Moran, a representa­tive of the Board of Management of Knockanes National School, said some-times after break-times toilets stop working the school due to the increased demand.

“It is very ad-hoc it doesn’t happen all the time .. God forbid if there was a fire. There is a hydrant on the road for water but if we have one bar of pressure will we get water?,” he asked.

Mr Mangan said that water hydrant would not be able to serve a fire tender but they would have water on board reassuring school management a fire should not be a concern.

Cllr Niall Kelleher who organised the deputation and who also lives in the area said the situation was a ‘constant nightmare’ for those living there.

“This situaton is not desirable for any person in the modern era,” continued Cllr Kelleher.

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