The Kerryman (South Kerry Edition)

Make working from home work for you


WHAT was once billed as the ‘new norm’ is now being described as the ‘new reality’. Yes, Covid-19 and lockdown restrictio­ns is making us change how way we live and function as part of everyday life, and one of those ways is how we work.

Remote/home working started out as a novelty last March but has since grown into a way of life that many of us find difficult to cope with. Changes in how we approach this are going to be integral to how we deal with this, and what for many may become a permanent way of working in the future - a new reality.

This is the time when we should be assessing or options and the ways that working from home can work for us. Soon, a time will come when workers have the option of working in a local remote working hub, but for now we must adapt some techniques to deal with working in the home setting. Some people may be trying to juggle working at home with minding children, while others may be working long hours in isolation. Both examples put a strain on individual­s. For what it is worth, here are some simple tips to ‘make working from home work’ for you:

Routine: This is key. Without it you simply cannot achieve a proper work/life balance. Avoid things like ‘relaxing’ early in the day and then spending hours in the evening catching up on your work. Tardiness and procrastin­ation are the enemies of working from home.

Dress as good as you feel: Some schools are insisting that pupils wear their uniforms while home schooling via webcam. This is for the upkeep of discipline and routine, a sense of disconnect­ion from the norm. Adults should do likewise. Freshen up and dress as close to the way you would if going out to work. This will make you feel better. And do not get into the habit of working in your pajamas!

Take fresh air breaks: This is vital. In fact, working from home may allow you to enjoy more fresh air than you would normally do if working in a cramped office space where the focus of breaktime is the canteen. Take regular breaks (15 minutes per hour) and go outside in the air. This will make you more productive and help avoid fatigue.

Get some exercise: There is a danger that you may become overly fixated in the home setting when working and living there. The added 5km rule for social distancing fuels this difficulty. But do get exercise when you can and as often as you can. If it is 30minues or an hour and 30mins, it matters not. The important thing is to take it when you can.

Treat yourself: This might sound a tad unnecessar­y coming after a welcome Christmas break, but these are no ordinary times we are living in. Treat yourself and set yourself rewards. Get into the habit of working towards set goals that come with a treat afterwards. This keeps you going, avoids excess, let along the fact you deserve it!

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