The Sligo Champion


- by Carlos O’Connor

Sagittariu­s November 23 – December 21

This is a good time to ask for what you want. Be your usual charming self and open with emotions. No-one expects you to be perfect, but sometimes you come pretty close! Deal with legal matters and finances all through this week. It is straightfo­rward if you concentrat­e. At the weekend there is the chance to get to grips with that special someone. Relax and enjoy. Your Luck: Bring all of your energies together in this lucky and loving week.


March 21 – April 20

Restlessne­ss can be your friend and enemy. A little of it propels you forward but too much is exhausting. Channel all that energy into travel or other physical activities. Look forward to the holidays when there is the chance to treat loved ones generously. That also means by giving more of your time. It is more valuable to them than baubles, really! Your Luck: The weekend brings like-minded souls together so, if you are spinning in your social circle, enjoy!


July 23 – August 23

You must be glad that you took charge of areas of your life. It is so much better than waiting for others to act, isn’t it? Romance flourishes thanks to moves made last month and contacts via relatives. As the weekend approaches it is harder to make decisions. Maybe that racing around has made you tired? Relaxation for you may mean moving, but please give the brain a rest! Your Luck: It is a good week to give sound advice.

Capricorn December 22 – January 20

Want to win friends and influence people? Well, this is the time! Pull out the charm and that sparkling smile. Don’t hold back, this is no time to be shy. Love and a social whirl are a few steps away. Romance is firmly on the agenda at the weekend. You don’t have to be organized. Just one romantic gesture sets the scene. Your Luck: Remember that natural things can be beautiful. Is it time for a walk in the forest?

Taurus April 21 – May 21

If you’ve been taking the lead at work and home, this week should see you more organised. Given the chance to get to grips with sticky problems, think carefully. This is not a time for ‘quick fixes’ or filing on the back shelf. Romance? Be prepared to step forward at the weekend. The weekend gives you a chance, also, to make your plans clearer and more attractive. Your Luck: Midweek you can make a good decision.

Virgo August 24 – September 23

Keep a sharp eye open for a new chance to shine at work. This is not a week to hold back, especially when it comes to showing your talents. Bursts of energy make you appear dynamic, which is great! Use this to your advantage at home also. Sudden expenses can arise that need quick thinking. Family may have useful ideas and more than one person can be approached for help. Your Luck: Get set for a period of purse tightening!

Aquarius January 21 - February 19

Forget nagging doubts and boost confidence. Change anything about your appearance that has stayed the same forever. A new hairstyle or some bright colours may be all that is needed. Be brisk and to the point with someone who is not doing the right thing. Perhaps they owe you money or have not kept a promise. Tell it as it is. You don’t need their negative vibes. Your Luck: Working towards a goal with others brings laughter and satisfacti­on.

Gemini May 22 – June 21

This week, new relationsh­ips are more important than existing ones. At work, changes mean getting to grips with new technology. Everything seems designed to keep you moving forward. Buying a present for a loved one? There are bargains and, remember, choosing well is better than flashing the cash! The weekend can see far-reaching changes in a current relationsh­ip. Your Luck: Decisions made now will travel well into the future.

Libra September 24 – October 23

Good news seems to be everywhere, especially in your domestic life. Could you be welcoming a new member of the family? Perhaps there will be a wedding or a big celebratio­n? Some fiery exchanges are likely with someone close. The better option may be to avoid contact until someone has calmed down. You will be far too busy socialisin­g to get to grips with this anyway. Your Luck: It is a lovely social time when you feel very much in your element.

Pisces February 20 - March 20

Something not going your way can make you irritable. But think before you fire off an email or make a phone call! A calming influence arrives midweek, possibly a loved one, to put things in perspectiv­e. This is your chance to make a long-needed decision. Negative people can no longer be given your time and thought. Does someone you have helped out keep making the same mistakes? Your Luck: Hold on to your cash and your temper.

Cancer June 22 – July 23

Everything this week is leading you to build on a current success. Maybe there needs to be more investment. This could be in time rather than cash. If you need to be away from family more, get things organised well in advance. Bring the weekend into focus, even if you are busy, by arranging a treat. Changes, or talking about them, comes to the fore at the weekend. Your Luck: Finances need careful handling so be open and honest if you want cooperatio­n.

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