The Sligo Champion

Had €3k worth of cannabis


A 34 year old man who drove away from a garda checkpoint, subsequent­ly lost control of his car and was found in possession of over €3k in cannabis, Sligo District Court heard.

Ciarán Fitzzgeral­d, Narnia, Ummeryroe, Drumnacool, Co Sligo was charged with possession of cannabis for the purpose of selling or otherwise at Aughamore Near, Sligo on December 26 2019.

Sergeant Derek Butler told the court that gardaí were carrying out a checkpoint at 9:40pm at Aughamore.

A black Audi failed to stop and they followed and the driver lost control of the vehicle and crashed.

He was subsequent­ly arrested for drug driving and found in possession of €3,100 worth of cannabis. The defendant had nine previous conviction­s, six of which relate to this one incident, Sgt Butler outlined.

Defending solicitor Mr Tom MacSharry said there was a plea.

He said his client is 34 years old and the father of two young children. He had co-operated fully.

He said the ‘ badges’ of drug dealing were absent and he was not on the drugs squad grid. There was no cash, books, bags and scales found. The solicitor said it happened at the end of 209 which was some time ago and his client had fully engaged with the Probation Services.

Mr Fitzgerald told the court that he realised the seriousnes­s of the charge.

He said it put his life on a trajectory and he wanted to change for his two young sons and that he wants to look after them.

He told the court he was the manager of a business the hotbox which was going very well.

He was not driving at the moment.

He said he realises drugs are a scourge.

He agreed with his solicitor that he had engaged with the Probation Services and he told the court his Probation Officer was a lovely person and helped him get his life back on track, adding that she was really helpful to him.

He said the offences occurred when his life was spiralling and he was unemployed at the time and he told the court he is working now and the business is going ‘really well’.

Mr Fitzgerald said he was asking for a chance.

Mr MacSharry told the court the case was going on sometime.

He said whenever he meets Mr Fitzgerald, he is always with his children.

He said that colloquial­ly he knows how good his business is going.

He said his engagement with the Probation Services was hugely positive..

He had given full co-operation and had turned his life around and was now on the correct path in life.

He asked the court to be as lenient as possible.

Judge Éiteáin Cunningham said it was a very serious matter.

She said she did accept that he is now in a better stage.

Sgt Butler told her he has not come to attention since.

Judge Cunningham said a conviction for this offence would have huge implicatio­ns on him for the rest of his life.

She said she accepts what Mr MacSharry said that none of the hallmarks of section 15 (possession for sale or supply) were evident.

She said that in light of the exceptiona­l circumstan­ces of the case she ordered him to pay €1,000 to the Sligo Cancer Support Centre on Wine St, Sligo by July 11 and if done so, she will strike out the matter.

If not, there will be a default conviction and a fine of €1,000.

Mr MacSharry thanked her and Mr Fitzgerald also thanked the judge.

Judge Cunningham told him she hopes he has learned from this and he replied he had.

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