The Sligo Champion

Defendant (21) told it’s time he sorts his life out


A 21 year old man before Sligo District Court on a number of charges was told by Judge Éiteáin Cunningham it’s about time he sorts his life out and not rely on his mother to stand up for him in court.

Alan Fahy, Chestnut Close, Clonbalt Woods, Longford was charged with possession of three deals of mdma total value €150 at Quay St, Sligo on October 11 2020. He was also charged that on a date unknown between October 10 and 11 2020 at Mulberry Park, Sligo he handled stolen property including a public services card, AIB debit card and Revolut card belonging to Ellie McGovern.

Sergeant Derek Butler told the court in the first incident a report was made to gardaí that a black River Island purse with cash and cards was stolen from a vehicle parked on a driveway on Mulberry Park. While investigat­ing a separate matter, gardaí found a purse in the coat pocket of the defendant. At the time he was a juvenile, but was found not suitable for the juvenile scheme.

On the second incident, there were youths acting suspicious­ly on Wine St, Sligo.

Gardaí spoke to them and there was a smell of cannabis. Alan Fahy was searched and there were a number of bank cards found.

Fahy tried to run away and was chased up Quay St where he tried to get a taxi. Gda Tighe attempted to apprehend him and there was a struggle. He was handcuffed and arrested. A search was made and there were two packets of white powder found in his waist band and another in his pocket. He said he was holding it for someone else. The analysis came back as mdma value €150. Defending solicitor Mr John Anderson told the court his client was present in court with his mother. He was a young person at the time and has entered a guilty plea. The Probation Report found him at a high risk of reoffendin­g. Mr Anderson said he found him a very pleasant young man whose mother is a good support to him.

The court heard Fahy had 14 previous conviction­s. Sgt Butler said there was concern he was not engaging with the Probation Service. Fahy’s mother also took to the witness box. Judge Éiteáin Cunningham told her from listening to her that her son should be grateful for her support. She said her son needs to take responsibi­lity if engaging in this type of behaviour and it was not his mother who should come to make amends for him. She said he needs to step up to the mark and take responsibi­lity and it was clear the love and support of his mother. Fahy told the court he is 21 now and had heard what the judge said. He was currently doing Community Service. On the possession charge, she convicted and directed a Probation Bond for two months to comply with the recommenda­tions of the Probation Service and on the section 17 handling stolen property charge she convicted and directed him to carry out 80 hours of Community Service in lieu of two months in prison.

Judge Cunningham told him he was at the road in what life choices he makes.

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