Wexford People

Wellbeing & Meditation


A few weeks ago, I wrote an article about how to start the day. This week’s one focuses on how to best close the day. The two most important times of the day are the start and the end. They frame your day and are also the two best times to meditate.

When you start your day with peace and connection to your inner-self, this affects your whole day and when you end the day with peace and connection this influences your night’s sleep and sets the right foundation for the next day.

Workwise, I recommend doing a list of the jobs or setting major priorities for the next day before you end your working day. This way your subconscio­us mind has time to prepare and you are ready to go when you start your working day.

After work, it is always good to have a way of winding down. When your mind is constantly focused on something it reduces efficiency. The break gives you a rest and will help you generate even better ideas and be more productive when you resume work.

Daily vigorous exercise aids restorativ­e sleep. Even a 10-minute walk can make a difference. Sunlight during the day and less or no interactio­n with tv, phones or computer screens before bed and darkness in your bedroom all aid sleep.

For best digestion, we should avoid eating heavy food two hours before bed. Coffee, alcohol and nicotine can all affect sleep quality. Some of these things are personal but if your sleep is bothering you, look at limiting them during the day and before sleep.

I met a wonderful friend this week and he ends each day writing a gratitude list – giving thanks for all the great things big and small that happened during the day. This is a great way to set you up for a good night’s sleep and prepare for even more things to be grateful for tomorrow and in the future.

 ??  ?? Stress thoughts should be avoided in bed.
Stress thoughts should be avoided in bed.

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