Wexford People

Fundraisin­g campaign for Tina ’s family


A FUNDRAISIN­G campaign has been launched to help meet the costs of Dan and Rita Cahill’s trip to Australia to support their daughter Tina (pictured right) who has been charged with murdering her fiance.

The campaign - run by friends of the family - have launched an ifundraise.ie page called Cahill Community Fund and opened an AIB bank account to help raise money for the family.

Ms Cahill, from New Ross, has been in custody since Saturday, February 19, having been arrested on suspicion of murdering David ‘Motcha’ Walsh, from Enniscorth­y, who died following a fracas at the couple’s home in Sydney.

The father-of-three was found lying on the footpath outside the house with a stab wound to the neck. He died while paramedics treated his injuries at the scene. Ms Cahill was subsequent­ly charged with his murder. and her case has been adjourned to Wednesday, April 5, in Sydney. A deposit account has been opened with the consent of Dan and Rita Cahill as they prepare to support their daughter Tina in Australia. The account is in AIB New Ross, account number is 2162 4079, sort code 933430.

People can also donate through www. ifundraise.ie/cahillfami­lycommunit­yfund

Tina’s father Dan said both he and his wife will travel to Australia when they have enough money raised. Cllr Michael Sheehan said: ‘The whole area has been stunned and has rallied with support for them all. The Cahill’s are a wonderful family, well loved, respected and well known for their charity work, kindness and generosity. They have been there for so many people through the years. The feeling now is that our community will be there for them as they face the challenges ahead.’

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