Wexford People

Tips to help you resolve customer complaints


Q RECENTLY a customer complaint almost cost my business the loss of a very large client as it was handled badly, can you give me some advice on handling

A customer complaints?

Most small businesses will receive complaints at one stage or another. But it’s how you deal with them that matters. When your small business receives a complaint, the natural reaction is for you, as business owner, to feel defensive. Managing most complaints will be genuine issues from upset or disappoint­ed customers. They aren’t trying to make trouble for you – they’re letting you know that your business has made a mistake.

The most successful, customer-focused companies embrace complaints, because complaints are unsolicite­d feedback. WHY YOU SHOULD EMBRACE COMPLAINTS?

A complaint is a raw, direct interactio­n from a customer and it should be treated as a valuable source of informatio­n about your business.

If you can resolve their problem, you’ll also be resolving the problem for other customers who have experience­d it but didn’t have the time or energy to complain.

Here are some tips to help you resolve the issue to the customer’s satisfacti­on

- Talk to the customer with a phone call, personalis­e the situation - Find out what they want and listen carefully to the response, understand the customer’s perspectiv­e

- Ask about wider issues and encourage feedback about your service?

- Be prepared for anger and emotion- respond rationally not emotionall­y

- If a customer is irrational or angry or abusive, be prepared for an escape route, no one has the right to treat you or your staff badly

- Look for the underlying cause especially if you are receiving numerous complaints about the same issue

- Give something back, offer a discount off next bill or a voucher? - Confirm your solution in detail by phone and follow up by email or letter

- Keep in touch, schedule a follow up to ensure you still have a happy customer and make this personal again

- Don’t ignore complaints, if you deal with the issue quickly enough, you should be able to resolve it and keep your customer

- Have a customer complaint procedure in place, it is part of business and will help reduce any negative impact on your business

- Make it easy for customers to complain with feedback forms on your website or have staff ask customers for feedback regularly

- Train your staff how to handle complaints and be polite in their approach AUDIT YOUR INTERNAL CUSTOMER SERVICE PROCESS

Appoint a member of your staff as the key person to handle complaints and let them be responsibl­e for auditing the customer satisfacti­on process. This will ensure the necessary changes to fix a broken process will be actioned, and could save your business money down the line.

Try to develop a company-wide attitude where complaints are opportunit­ies to be welcomed. If you teach your staff to listen, you’ll find out a lot more about what makes your customers unhappy. That will also tell you what you need to do to keep them happy.

Jim Doyle ACMA QFA is a partner in RDA Accountant­s, offering full accountanc­y, business advisory, tax advisory and financial services

RDA Accountant­s | 5 Upper George Street, Wexford | Louisville House, Waterford Road, Kilkenny | 053 9170507 | www.rda.ie

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