Wexford People

Judge agrees to a renewal of bail


Micheál Clancy of 13 The Maltings in The Faythe made a successful appeal to continue on bail to Judge John Cheatle atWexford District Court.

Allowed his liberty on a previous occasion until September on theft charges earlier this month, the 20-yearold had been required to observe a series of conditions.

He was banned from being in Main Street and was made subject to a 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. curfew as well as being ordered to sign on twice a day at the garda barracks.

Gardaí brought Clancy back to the courthouse in Ardcavan where they reported that he had had been seen on Main Street on two occasions.

He was also spotted out in public at Swan View near his home shortly before 11 p.m. on the night of July 11.

He failed to sign on as required on 11 dates.

His behaviour reached a head when he was found as passenger in a car stopped in the early hours of July 19 by gardaí in Clondalkin.

Officers using their powers under the Mis-Use of Drugs Act seized €8,000 in cash found in the vehicle.

However, Garda Leonard Casey accepted that Clancy did not know the other two individual­s in the car.

The young man stated he had no clue as to what was in the car which was intercepte­d on the M50 motorway heading south.

Called to give evidence under oath in support of his applicatio­n, Clancy told the judge ‘jail will only make me worse’.

He said he wanted to be around for his new born daughter and explained that he was in Dublin on the night in question to say goodbye to partner Shannon O’Keeffe and the child.

They were due to take the ferry to the Isle of Man and spend a week there with members of her family.

A lift arranged to bring him back to Wexford did not show up, the court was told, so he was longer in the capital than expected.

His mother was in court to hear him state that he will abide by all conditions imposed in future.

On that basis, bail was renewed, with the same conditions.

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